February 4, 2020

Tuesday 4

Good morning! Today I am linking up with Annie for the Tuesday 4. I hope you enjoy your visit and wish a blessed day.

1. Are you an impulse buyer or do you weigh the value/cost/necessity before you buy?  It depends. I can be an impulse buyer when it comes to smaller things, but I definitely weigh the pros/cons/cost/etc. on larger items.

2. What do you really resent having to pay for?  The only things that come to mind are driving on the PA Turnpike (I used a bypass section near me last week and they don't accept cash any more, they scan your plate and mail you a bill...$3.60 to go about 10 miles!) and an awful lot of what the folks in Washington spend my tax dollars on.

3. Do you have favorite brands of household cleaners, detergents, soaps? Can you tell us why you like them? Maybe you will give us better ideas.  I'm not rabidly loyal to very many brands, but I do always use Tide detergent because its Oxi version gets my husband's work clothes clean and keeps them smelling better. They also have a lot of scent options in those little scent booster beads. I also swear by Mr. Clean Magic Erase pads...those things are amazing. They will clean ANYTHING!

4. What is a typical day of housekeeping for you?  I'm still kind of sorting that out now that I'm only working part-time. Usually, I get up and throw a load of laundry in the wash, put any dirty dishes in the dishwasher, wipe the counters, and do any dusting and vacuuming that needs done. I do dishes before or after supper and I try to straighten up...put things back in place before I go to bed. Bigger cleaning projects usually happen on the weekend or whenever it needs doing. 


  1. I totally agree about those fees, Buffalo is similar. Once, we made a u turn BEFORE getting to the ticket booth and they caught our license plate. Ridic.

    Have a great day friend and loveeeeeeeeeeeeee the hearts, smiles.

  2. I also love the Mr. Clean erasers! They amaze me every time I try them on something that is UN-removable...it removes it!! HA HA! Have a great day!

  3. We have tolls now on the bridge & its so frustrating ... parking is another one I resent paying.

  4. I also love the Magic Erasers! Amazing things!! I use the Dollar General Oxi laundry detergent and it works as well as the more expensive brands. Happy Tuesday, Stacy!

  5. I like the Magic Erasers too! We have lots of tolls too. I agree with you on the buying of big items. This month I am going to be more aware of what I spend on those little things!

  6. I think turn pikes are so weird. We drive them when we go to Oklahoma. Washington drives me crazy with their spending.
    I love those Mr. Clean Magic erase pads!! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  7. It's always fun reading your answers to these questions! Oh, yeah, magic erasers are the best!!

  8. I'm loyal to Tide, too. It removes stains, even in cold water, and I believe my clothes will last longer when I was in cold. (Plus, cold uses less electricity.)

  9. None of my comments posted for Blogger this week. Not sure why but I did comment earlier on many blogs and not one shows up.
    I hear you about the Turnpike. NJ turnpike is the same and long ago when they built the NJ Parkway it was supposed to be free after it was paid for.. Ha! what a joke. Its more expensive than ever and now its automated and sometimes the machines don't count your money right!
    Tide fan here as well.
    Thanks for joining in :)

  10. I'm running late this week, but enjoyed reading your answers. I like Tide with Oxi, too. Blessings for a great rest of the week and weekend!


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