December 27, 2019

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Good morning! Today is our Christmas Eve...ya know, since we're having our family get-together tomorrow. So much to get done. Cooking, wrapping, transporting everything to our daughter's house nextdoor, a final trip to the store, and I need to tackle all the normal things I do on my days off like laundry and cleaning. It's going to be a busy, busy day so I'm wishing you all a blessed day and off I go!


  1. That is so neat your daughter lives next door. I told my son if or when he moves out--how about buying a big house and I can live there, LOLOL. He gave me that look like, 'cuckoo for coca puffs'.

    Have a great day friend. smiles

  2. Enjoy the love through all the busy-ness! Can't wait to hear about your celebration!

  3. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your family Christmas Day! :-)


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