November 22, 2019

Saturday 9: No More Tears

I'm linking up with Crazy Sam and the gang for this Saturday before Thanksgiving edition of the Saturday 9.

Saturday 9: No More Tears (Enough Is Enough) 1979

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This lyrics use weather as metaphor for romance. Here at Saturday 9, we're more literal. How do the skies look where you are this morning?  Low, gray, and heavy with they do pretty much every day from now through March in this part of the country.

2) According to Merriam-Webster, "enough is enough" is what you say when you want something to stop because you "can no longer accept or deal with it." When did you recently say -- out loud or to yourself -- "enough is enough."  I probably think that at least once a day in the dementia unit lately. We have several new residents who require someone to be with them nearly constantly, some of the older residents are simultaneously declining leading to more falls and potentially dangerous interactions. There's a lot going on and all of us who work there are feeling a bit frazzled at the moment.

3) Grammy winner Luther Vandross began his career as a background singer and performed on "No More Tears." Tell us about one of your early jobs.  My earliest job was checking on our neighbor's husband when I was 12. She was the accordion player in an all female polka band called The Powder Puffs. Her husband had had a stroke and was unable to walk. Whenever she was out playing at a wedding, I checked on him every hour and got him drinks or food if he needed them. I got $20 a day for doing that which was amazing money to a 12-year-old in 1976.

4) Both Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand made slight changes to their first names. Summer was christened "LaDonna," while Streisand's parents spelled her name the more conventional "Barbara." When she was in high school, meme mistress Samantha Winters went from "Sammy" to "Sam." Did you ever make a similar change to your first name?  Nope. I like my Stacy better than Stacey or Stacie.

5) Hair was higher maintenance in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Streisand and Summer are both sporting styles that would require chemical treatment, like a perm or relaxer. Today's looks are less rigidly styled and tend to be smoother or slightly messy. How often do you change your look?  Every few years. Stand by...a change is coming next Tuesday. I booked the appointment today.

6) In 1979, it seems every kid was asking Santa for Star Wars toys. Some things don't change, since the Star Wars franchise remains popular with children and toymakers after more than 40 years. What book or toy did you love as a child that remains popular today?  I can't think of anything. I was always kind of a "quirky" kid. (quirky = nerdy)

7) Thinking of things that endure ... In 1979, the #1 show in the ratings was 60 Minutes. It's still on, every Sunday night, and in the summer of 2019 it came in at #4 in the Nielsen ratings. What's the most recent show you watched? Was it news, sports or entertainment?  All I've been watching recently is Hallmark movies. They've been a great way to decompress after work.

8) In 1979, the price for a dozen eggs averaged 85¢. Today, it's about twice that. Are you more likely to use eggs to prepare a main course (like an omelette or Eggs Benedict) or as part of a recipe (anything from a cake to a meatloaf)?  I'd say it's about 50/50...unless you count in my husband's usage. He has eggs for breakfast several mornings a week.

9) Random question: You’re alone in your car, driving through your neighborhood on a bright, sunny day. You get a flat tire. You have a spare and a jack in your trunk. Would you fix it yourself or call for help?  I don't have that AAA membership for nothing! Heck, I had a flat tire in my driveway once and called them.


  1. My mil has dementia...and we see this sort of thing everyday. Unfort. a nursing facility won't take her (she has been kicked out of several-one for stealing, sigh). It is a lot to deal with on a daily basis, just keeping it real and I give glory to you folks who make this your living, truly I do.

    1. There are some we don't keep, but it's usually because they are violent. We keep those with all kinds of behaviors if they aren't hurting anyone. Stealing surely wouldn't rule her out. We know they don't understand and we, in fact, have at least 3 residents with a habit of "shopping" in the rooms of other residents. The families are usually understanding if we explain and I always tell them if something is very valuable or precious to them, please don't bring it. The residents don't understand and can't help it and we can't watch every single thing they do every single second of the day. Most of the time there are 4 of us to 19 of them.

  2. My aunt was in a dementia unit and I want to thank you for your patience.

    1. Thank you. That's probably my biggest gift in there. I'm known for it.

  3. I binge on Hallmark movies it doesnt matter if I've seen them 10 times which for the most part I have, but I espcially like the ones with Paul Green and I just love Jill Wagner..

    1. I have favorite actors, but I don't really know their names...except for Candace Cameron (whatever her married name is).

  4. I think a Hallmark movie - or several - is on my agenda today! The only other 'Stacy' I knew was a year older than me … the prettiest/most popular girl at LAHS. Can't wait to see your new 'look'!

  5. Haha... we both answered that last one the same way. AAA!! Fun questions and I enjoyed your answers! Now I can't wait to see your make-over!!

  6. I think sometimes we need Hallmark movies just to get us through to the next day.

  7. I've been listening to some holiday chick lit stories that are reminiscent of Hallmark holiday movies. Enjoyable!

  8. I have been watching the Hallmark movies too. They really do bring up my spirits.
    Josh has been talking about volunteering at a nursing home. I am not sure what he would do. Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Volunteers usually get funneled to the activities dept. Our volunteers help us push wheelchairs to events, decorate, and do activities. I doubt they would put a younger person in the dementia unit.


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