May 30, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Linking up today with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday.

This week finds me thankful...

** that the crazy storms sweeping across the country have left us safe and our home undamaged. I will take water-logged and soggy and be grateful!

** the dog groomer could fit Daisy into her schedule on the spur of the moment. Poor Daisy was looking more like an Old English Sheepdog than a Poodle. Now she is shaved and fluffed, pretty and cooler for summer.

** we will be sitting with our friends for dinners on our cruise this summer. We booked at different times and the cruise line said there was no way we could have dinner together unless we wanted to eat in restaurants the whole time. Our friends kept pestering the cruise line and yesterday got word that someone had cancelled or changed their arrangements so we have a table together now!

** for at least one much needed night of good sleep. That has become a rare thing, which I am really struggling with. Up until a few months ago I was always one to fall into a deep, undisturbed sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I only slept 5-6 hours a night, but was rested since the sleep was so deep. Now I am lucky to get 4-5 and it's not undisturbed. 

** for an easy day at work yesterday. And a fun day. We had a bingo "marathon." All that means is we played for an hour and a half before lunch and an hour and a half after lunch. Well, it also means we didn't have to do exercise and trivia or word games....which I dread since my assigned unit is almost totally residents who are unable to respond or participate. So yeah, any day I don't have to try to do trivia with them is a good day. 

(Please don't get me wrong. I care about those residents and want to give them good care. I just find it frustrating when the leadership insists that we must do things with them that are beyond them. Adjust the program to something suitable for them. It finally happened in the dementia unit and I will get to see the new program today.)

** that I am off this weekend. I really need to organize my clothes...switch out the winter clothes for summer and pull things to donate to Goodwill. I need to declutter my office/craft/library room, too. There are books everywhere! The library's used book sale is in late June so I can make a pile to donate.

** for each one of you!


  1. I changed most of my clothes out in the past week, but am still working on the decluttering part. Vietnam Vets are supposed to be in our neighborhood next week. Hoping to get a bunch more ready for them.

  2. That really doesnt make sense - you'd think they'd use that time to cater to their imagination or get them thinking in ways that doesnt leave the residents frustrated. MORE BINGO DAYS!!! :)
    I so need to pull out my summer stuff but been dreading it because I know nothing is going to fit #truestory
    So glad they made that work for your cruise. You know they could do that from the beginning - I mean, how many people know one another on a cruise? They could surely make that happen. Sometimes pestering works.

  3. I've been watching news coverage of all the storms … holding y'all in my prayers! So glad you'll be dining with your friends! From experience, I know that can make (or break) your enjoyment.

  4. The tornadoes have been horrible. I'm glad they have missed you and hope that continues. Glad you have the weekend off, Stacy. I think you need some down time. Don't work too hard at home. xoxo


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