May 31, 2019

Saturday 9: It's Late

"Funny" story. Ricky Nelson was my mom's favorite teen idol. I grew up knowing his songs as well as any others (and I still listen to him). So, Mom was excited the year she and Dad came to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays with us in Florida and discovered Ricky was to play a New Year's Eve concert at the park in the center of downtown Orlando...just a couple of miles from our house. She reallllly wanted to go. The rest of us? Not so much. We kept telling her how crowded and miserable it would be and assured her she could always see him another time. 

Long story, short....we didn't go to see Ricky that New Year's Eve. And Mom never got to see him because just a couple of days later he was killed in a plane crash. Mom has never let me forget it.

Now on that happy note, let's get to the Saturday 9, the musical meme hosted by Crazy Sam.

Ricky looking about the way he did
when my mom didn't get to see him.
It's Late (1959)
Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) Ricky Nelson laments that he should have been home hours ago. When is the last time you stayed up later than you should have? What were you doing?  I do that nearly every night...mostly because I know I won't sleep very long and want to avoid laying there in the middle of the night. As for what I'm doing, I'm doing what I do every night Pinky. Plotting to take over the world. Oh wait, that would be a Nickelodeon cartoon not my life. I'm actually usually watching TV and playing games on the computer.

2) Compounding Ricky's problem is that he's nearly out of gas. How is your gas tank right now? When did you most recently fill 'er up?  My tank is nearly full. Tim filled it up on Sunday or Monday, I think. 

3) It gets worse! He can't call home because he doesn't have a dime for the pay phone. Have you recently been in a situation where you've been glad you had your cell phone handy?  Not really. Other than I use mine a lot at work to play music for the residents, I basically look at it as a necessary evil. I am notoriously bad at checking messages and getting back to people.

4) The video for this song is from an episode of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. Ozzie Nelson, Ricky's father, was in charge of the show and made the rules. One was that no one was allowed to smoke on the set ... except his wife, Harriet. Do you smoke? Have you ever lived with a smoker?  I don't smoke. The smell gives me a terrible headache. Growing up all the men in my family smoked. I believe it's why I had chronic bronchitis for over a year and came down with every respiratory bug that came along.

5) Life magazine coined the phrase "teen idol" to describe Ricky's popularity. According to Tiger Beat, today's teen idols include Johnny Orlando and Ruby Jay. Johnny was born in 2003, Ruby in 2004. Sam admits that before today, she had no idea who these young people are. How about you?  Ruby and Johnny who? They are both younger than my youngest child. Gah….I'm getting old!

6) While
Paul McCartney and Bob Dylan have posthumously praised Ricky Nelson's music, 1950s music critics dismissed him as a lightweight. What's the last review you read? Was it written by a professional critic, or was it contributed by a consumer to a site like Amazon or Yelp?  I never read reviews.

7) At the height of his popularity, Ricky tried his hand at movies, appearing in the western Rio Bravo with John Wayne. He turned 18 during the filming, and Wayne celebrated by playfully throwing Ricky into a sack of horse manure. Do you think pranks and practical jokes are funny?  Once in a while I think one is funny, but on the whole, I'm no fan of pranks. Probably because my dad tormented me with them. Often to tears when I was very young.

8) In 1959, when this song was popular, the St. Lawrence Seaway was completed. It connects Canada to our Great Lakes. Without looking it up, can you name all 5 Great Lakes?  Let's find out. Erie, Ontario, Superior, Michigan, and......uh, okay I have to cheat to get Huron. I drew a blank on it.

9) Random question – You drive past a local motel and see the car of a very married friend right there in the lot. Would you ask her about it?  I don't know. I'm sure I'd wrestle with it for quite a while and I'm not sure where I'd come down on that.

Enjoy your Saturday! I'm off to a community garage sale with Mom.


  1. Did not take your mother to see her heartthrob? On New Year's Eve?

    In a park. So it was probably for free.

    This one goes out to a very special lady. You know who you are. And it goes a little somethin' like this:

    ♫ ♪ Hello Mary Lou
    Goodbye heart ♬
    ♪ Sweet Mary Lou
    I'm so in love with you ♬
    ♫ I knew Mary Lou
    We'd never part ♪
    ♬ So hello Mary Lou
    Goodbye heart ♫

    Please do not tell me you stayed home and played canasta. 'Cause that would break my heart.

    1. I honestly don't remember what we did instead. A family party, maybe? I know it wasn't canasta. I've never played canasta in my life.

    2. Neither have I. It sounded like something Ozzie and Harriet would do. Play canasta. And eat delicious cottage cheese and fruit cocktail in Jell-O.

  2. my SIL's hearthrob was Ricky Nelson too. I don't know if she ever saw him in person. I can just imagine how your mom felt when he was killed!

    I'm very sad to read how many people never read reviews...why do I write them???

    1. I'm guessing there are plenty of people who do read reviews...they just aren't playing memes. Ha!

  3. Have fun at your garage sale! I am glad there are more nonsmokers among us. I'm sorry about your dad pranking you. :(

    1. I'm glad there are a lot less smokers these days, too. I can't believe how much it bothers me to smell it now when I was around it so much growing up. Eh, Dad could be an ass sometimes about certain things. I did enjoy the garage sales...scooped up a couple of cute statues for the yard, a new journal, cute outfits for the new grandgirl coming next month, a sweet mini-golf set and Rock'em Sock'em Robots for the grandboy.

  4. I know what you mean about phone messages.. All of my friends send me phone messages and I never read them I tell them "use messenger, but no they text me.. Shrug!

    1. Yeah, I do messenger, too, but not text. The biggest thing keeping me from it these days is that my phone doesn't give any notice when I get a text, I can't find a way to turn on a sound, and it doesn't even get that little number on the screen showing how many new texts I have.

  5. I LOVE reading reviews. Both professional and non-professional. Gives me an idea about what I'm getting in to :)

    1. The closest I come is looking to see how many stars something is rated.

  6. Fun questions today. I had such a crush on Ricky Nelson! I would have braved the crowd in Orlando. LOL.

  7. I am also bad at checking messages, I am so bad that I say on the introduction to my voice that I will get back to them when I remember to check my voice mail

  8. June 1977. My boyfriend was a student in Madison WI and he and a group of his buds were going to see Elvis. Mostly to make fun. I was furious. 1) That was rude. 2) I wasn't invited to go along! I'm an actual fan! Well, in August 1977, The King was gone, making me twice as angry at my boyfriend. (Who insisted he'd done me a favor, since Elvis was clearly in bad health and the concert would have depressed me.)

    1. I remember when Elvis died. It was the day after my 13th birthday. :( Mom wasn't mad at us, just disappointed. She's "mostly" teasing when she gives me grief about it. She knows I liked Ricky, too. Just didn't want to go into that mess just the two of us alone as the guys had said absolutely no way were they going.

  9. I was very sick as a child too...probably because of the smoke. I am surprised I am not sick now because of it. My mom had our house full of smoke all of the time. It was so nasty. Gives me a headache too. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend!

    1. I think they've done studies that prove kids in smoking households have more health issues.

  10. Maybe it's better your mother remember Ricky as she visualized … v. the druggie he became.

    1. Maybe, but wasn't he starting to turn his life around and make a comeback at that point?

  11. #7--substitute my 3 older sisters and we've got the same answer!

    1. I used to want siblings, but I've come to think being an only child wasn't so bad!

  12. I love your opening story. And thank you for apparently being the only one to recognize the lyrics from The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. #4. I think you are absolutely right.
    And I saw so cross-eyed from sleep depro that I put in "Great Lake" for Lake Superior. Lol
    Hope your week goes well. No drama, just Pockets of Peace surpassing....


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