April 7, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Something I've Never Done Before

Time to join with hostess, Bev Sykes, and a merry gang of thieves for a little Sunday Stealing...the meme where the questions are stolen, but credit is given.

Here are some questions from Love Me Some Surveys

1. If you could build a second house anywhere, where would it be?  Chincoteague Island, Va.

2. What are your favorite articles of clothing?  Tunics and leggings. I started wearing them for work and pretty much live in them now.

3. The last CD you bought or downloaded?  It's been a while so I'm not sure, but I think it may have been a Casting Crowns CD I found in the bargain bin at Walmart.

4. What time do you generally wake up in the morning?  At 3:45 when my husband's alarm goes off, but I go back to sleep until 5:00 or 5:30.

5. What is your favorite kitchen appliance?  Small or large?  Because I would have to say the refrigerator is my favorite large appliance. While I'm not always actively using it, it is always in use. My favorite small appliance and the one thing I probably use more than anything else is the slow cooker.

6. If you could play an instrument, what would it be?  The guitar. I love it's tones and how versatile it is.

7. What is your Favorite color?  I change on that all the time, but in general I always lean toward the colors of autumn and/or nature....mossy green, gold, pumpkin, crimson, brown, crème.

8. Do you believe in the afterlife?  Yes.

9. Your Favorite children’s book?  It's one I had as a child called "The Big Tidy-Up." It was an over-sized book with big, bright illustrations and told the story of a little girl who made such a mess of her room that her mother refused to clean it. It tells of all the creative fun the girl had in her room...until things start to go wrong. Eventually, she cleans her room on her own and everyone lives happily ever after.

10. Can you juggle?  I can juggle doing more than one thing at a time. Does that count?

11. What’s your favorite day of the week?  Sunday, when I have the weekend off. Sundays are usually the only day that both Tim and I are off and at home. When I work the weekend I don't really have a favorite day.

12. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger?  Hamburger. There is no way I am eating raw fish and I've tried the veggie ones (or whatever they are made of) and I just don't like it.

13. What is your favorite flower?  I like sunflowers. They are just so....HAPPY. You can't look at them and feel glum.

14. What is your favorite meal?  If I'm cooking, I love my meatloaf recipe. It is my favorite comfort meal at home. If I'm going out I like just about anything with shrimp.

15. Describe your ideal weather?  Sunny and 75-80 degrees.

16. What is your favorite Ice Cream?  White House Cherry

17. What is your favorite breakfast?  Leftovers from the night before. I don't really like breakfast food at breakfast. I'd rather eat things like eggs, pancakes, or waffles at night.

18. Where did you meet your spouse or significant other?  When I came home for Christmas break during my sophomore year of college, my dad got me a job at the foam rubber plant he worked at. Tim was working there, too.

Bonus: something you’d like to do that you’ve never done before?  Travel outside the country (I don't count Canada).


  1. I don't count Canada, either, since it's just a 15 minute drive away.

    Wavy Gravy is hazelnut ice cream with chocolate hazelnut fudge swirled throughout. It reminds me of ice cream I had in Belgium!

  2. White House Cherry ice cream...sounds yummy. I’m going to look that one up!
    Sushi vegan is all my kids and I eat. Like you, I can’t eat raw fish or meat. Ugh! They have a terrific restaurant where they live- it’s all vegan.
    And, #10. Yes, it counts, 😆. I hope you have a great, calm and rewarding week.

  3. HA … love your answer to #10. Yep, we are woman; hear us roar. Breakfast is my favorite meal, but like you I'd rather enjoy it at night.

  4. I would love to travel Europe or visit Mexico maybe, but I am actually happy to even get to visit places in the U.S....we do not even get to do that. :/
    The book you mentioned sounds good! Loved your answers! Have a great day!


  5. Travel is good for you but I'm afraid I'll never make it back to Europe (or anywhere else that isn't within driving distance, for that matter.).

  6. I enjoyed your answers and we had similar answers to a few! Always fun. Wishing you a good week ahead!

  7. Thank you for your answer to #12. I thought I might be the only one repelled by sushi. Except for tuna, I think it tastes like phlegm.

  8. I've never seen a sunflower that didn't make me immediately smile. Great answer!

  9. You are 100% right about sunflowers! They are a very happy flower.


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