April 2, 2019

10 On Tuesday

Good morning! It's my day off and I've got a doctor's appointment, Bible study, and a whole lot of laundry on tap for the day. 

Here's a list of 10 random things floating around in my head.

1. Finally gave in an ordered the MedCline pillow I've been looking at and dreaming of for about a year now. It's a big decision...it was $200 on sale.

It's inclined to help with reflux and sleep apnea, but I want it because there is a hole in the top to put your arm through so you can sleep on your side without sleeping on your shoulder. It promises to relieve shoulder pain. There are a few other things it promises to help, but if it relieves shoulder and neck pain I will be thrilled. It must be halfway decent since some insurances will cover it for some uses. 

I'll let you know.

2. Joe Biden. Is anyone really surprised at this point?

3. I'd grumble about the lack of spring-like weather, but this weekend is promising sunshine and temps in the 70s!

4. The Poodle needs a bath. I was petting her this morning and found a glob of something hardened in the fur on her ear. Yuck. Poodle ears can be so messy. I might start putting them in a ponytail holder when she eats...I know others who do that to their dogs.

5. I don't have to cook dinner tonight. There are plenty of leftovers for Tim and my Bible study teacher is making potato soup and homemade bread for the class. Yummy!

6. Getting slightly annoyed with the one girl at work. She's only been there 2 months but she's an "expert" on everything, but that's not what bugs me. It's the one-upping. She flat out lies about things the residents say and do with her to make it seem like she's better at the job than everyone else. 

Every single time I work with her she regales me with stories of how this resident did this or said that with her....when she knows and I know that what she's claiming is beyond them. She also told me she asked our supervisor how to handle two residents who are not married to each other (but one is married with a living spouse) and are very persistent in being together, saying loving things, etc.  I'm supposed to believe that our supervisor said that if the gentleman was a willing participant we're to let it go. Uh.....NO! The man has dementia and can't make choices of that nature for himself. We have to protect him. I don't know where she gets this stuff or why she thinks I'd believe it. 

I know not to believe what she tells me, but it's annoying to put up with.

7. Tim put a bunch of tile on the bathroom wall Sunday! It's slow going as he's discovered the walls are really uneven and we probably should have stripped them to the studs and put up new wall board. Oh well. I can live with the tile being a little ripple-y looking if it means the bathroom finally gets done. We are at the 2 1/2 year point. I just want it done. He said he'd work on it a little more tonight. Light at the end of the tunnel? Oh, how I hope so.

8. The knee brace Tim wanted came in yesterday's mail. He tried it on last night and it fit so here's hoping it helps today at work. It's been the knee pain more than anything that has kept him from working on things at home for the last year and a half.

9. 6:30 and the sun is just barely coming up, but it's up. It won't be long until it's already daylight when I wake up...and light all evening. I can't wait!

10. Colton is still stinkin' cute, but man, oh, man is he in the terrible two's! He is testing the limits in everything and being quite willful about disobeying. It's normal, but it sure is frustrating for us all, and especially for his Momma who has been so tired and uncomfortable with the current pregnancy.


  1. I cant wait to hear about that pillow. I pull & twinge muscles so much in my shoulder from sleeping on them.
    I'm not surprised by Joe Biden, but I also feel like everyone gets so offended by EVERYTHING anymore. No one is safe anywhere any longer. you LOOK at someone funny & they'll be on the news reporting that they were 'uncomfortable' - its just a weird fine line anymore. I feel sorry for anyone running in politics.

    1. It's pretty much everywhere...everyone is afraid to say or do anything for fear of upsetting someone. We've gone off the deep end as a society.
      I was telling my doctor about the pillow today and even he is waiting to hear how it works!

  2. Yep, I agree with Rebecca Jo! Please give us a review of that pillow. I've looked at it several times. Joe Biden... just not going there right now. Terrible twos... keep us posted on that!

    1. Biden...not going there, either. Just that it feels like EVERYONE is being accused these days. I'm not sure I'd be surprised by accusations about anyone at this point and that's kind of sad.


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