February 19, 2019

10 On Tuesday

1. Dentist appointment this morning. Finally getting those permanent crowns put on. Only been waiting for me since October. Oy.

2. Dear daughter taking Daisy to the vet's for shots this morning. Maybe. Pregnancy is kicking her butt and I was at her house until midnight helping with the boy. (I'll probably snore in the dentist's chair.)

3. The sun is shining. Awesomeness!!!

4.  Facebook memories are not always good. Seven years ago today I was watching my Scooby suffer (it was a weekend) and ultimately die the next day.

5.  Work was good yesterday...well, until an aide found me last night and very snottily told me to never, ever give a certain resident chocolate again because she is allergic and got very sick. I feel bad, but it was not my fault. For one thing, I was with my boss and she is actually the one who gave the woman chocolate (we passed out chocolate milk and slices of homemade Lincoln Logs for Presidents' Day)...and for another thing, we depend on the dietary sheets to tell us what people can and cannot have. The most up to date sheet said NOTHING about her having any allergies.

6.  Bible study tonight. Pretty excited here. I have only been able to go once since before Christmas and our teachers who had been out of town on a vacation are back. The whole gang should be together tonight!

7.  Tim sees the rheumatologist this afternoon. Praying this man holds the key to finding some answers to Tim's constant pain and lack of energy.  Other than work, which he forces himself to do 6 days a week, he's got no life to speak of. I want my husband back!

8.  We missed dinner at our daughter's house on Sunday so she brought the leftovers to the house last night. She did barbecued pulled pork in her new Insta-pot. It was very good...very tender.

9.  I don't watch a lot of news these days. Hearing about the continuing new levels of stupidity and shameless behavior coming out of our politicians and celebrities is depressing....and it gets my dander up. I hear the headlines and skip the droning on and on.

10. Well, I finally did it yesterday. I went and spoke to the Director of Nursing privately about that aide I am always telling you about. She asked me to write everything down and date it (just for this past weekend...because I don't remember dates of past incidents) and get it to her. She says she will keep it confidential (Lord, I hope so). She thanked me for coming in and telling her. She said there are a lot of people on staff who need to be held accountable for their actions and she is the person (she just started in December) who is going to do it. I really hope she is being truthful about the confidentiality and about doing something. I can't handle that aide much longer. Over the weekend I wanted so badly to grab her and punch her in her snotty little face.


  1. Good for you for speaking up! People need to be held accountable - especially when dealing with patients that cant fend for themselves! Her actions are awful and I would hate it if I had a parent there getting treated like that! Good luck with the crowns - I am very happy with mine from last year! Prayers for Tim! That is the worst - knowing something is wrong but not knowing what is wrong with you! UGH! Hugs!

  2. Oh Stacy, I totally get what you mean about wanting your hubby back! Pain can be so debilitating. (From our lips to God's ears!) HOORAY for your Director of Nursing's approachable attitude and resolve. And daughters who deliver pulled pork. Yum!

  3. I am glad you went to the Director and told her about that girl. Keep us posted!! Hope the crowns fit and stay in for you!! I need to revisit my InstaPot.

  4. It's always scary to trust someone in supervision but that's just what you have to do - trust. Hope it all goes well.
    I cant believe you still dont have your permanent crown on. That's crazy. Hope it all goes well!!!


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