November 24, 2018

Sunday Stealing: Hooked on Memes

Working again on Sunday, so linking up to Sunday Stealing tonight and will play catch up after work tomorrow.

This from our hostess, Bev:

These are lifted from hooked on memes, which seems to have disappeared since I stole it.

1. How many states have you been in?  25 so far, but I hope to add a lot more before I'm done.

2. If a sexist Man is called a pig, what is a sexist Woman called? A sow?

3. You see the one person who you absolutely despise. If you were guarentee'd that he/she couldn't say or do anything back to you.... What would you do??  You may find it hard to believe, but there isn't anyone I truly despise. If I did, though, I hope I would find it within to act according to the teaching of my faith and forgive them...without ever shooting off my big mouth.

4. How many states are to the right of you? And don’t give us a map to look at.  Two for sure, maybe three.

5. You can go anywhere in the world for free. Where are you?  Chincoteague Island, Virginia is my most favorite place on earth, but since I don't have to pay the bill...I'd say Australia, place I've always wanted to see. We spent the bucks to send our daughter on a three week trip as a student ambassador with People to People the summer before her senior year of high school.  So unless we hit the lottery, we probably won't shell out the money to go. It was not an inexpensive trip.

6. HOW MANY FINGERS AM I HOLDING UP?  No psychic abilities here, so I have no idea.

7. Are you a boxing fan?  Not even a little.

8. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?  I'm not sure of specifics, but there were some school lunches that were surely in the running.

9. Is it cloudy right now?  I don't know. It's dark and I'm inside, but a good guess would be "yes" since we are cloudy most of the time. We have more cloudy/rainy days per year than Seattle.

10. Someone gives you a $500 gift card to WalMart or Target. What are you going to buy?  Probably books and groceries.

11. When you were little, what did you want to be "when you grow up"? And, how much different is your occupation now from where you thought it would be when you were younger?  I went through phases of wanting to be an architect, an archaeologist, a zoologist, and a magazine editor. My occupation now is lighty years away from any of those.

12. what was your favorite toy as a child?  Either my bike, which I rode several hours a day, or my Barbie dolls, who I lived out all my dreams through.

13. What is the last place you had a good cry and why?  I don't remember. I don't cry very often or very hard when I do.

14. Which Sesame Street Character do you relate with the most and why?  Cookie Monster, because there is just never a good cookie around when you NEED one!

15. Did you ever make what you believed at the time to be a horrible mistake - that in hindsight turned out to lead you on the best path in your life?  Not that I can think of.

16. What’s your favorite show to watch on television nowadays?  A Million Little Things. It is soooo intense, but it's so beautifully written and acted it's a pleasure to watch.

17. Do you believe there is life after death?  Yes, I do.


  1. WHY do we have to buy groceries with our money? WHY? WHY I ASK YOU!!! hahahh. I love you Stace. xoxo

    1. Well...I guess we wouldn't have to if we didn't like to eat so much. LOL Luv ya back, Mair!

  2. Oh, I did not think of my bike! YES!! That would be a favorite for me too!
    I watch A Million Little Things good! Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

    1. The bike meant freedom! I rode miles and miles on mine every day. It's still my favorite kind of exercise.

  3. "3. You see the one person who you absolutely despise. If you were guarentee'd that he/she couldn't say or do anything back to you.... What would you do?? You may find it hard to believe, but there isn't anyone I truly despise. If I did, though, I hope I would find it within to act according to the teaching of my faith and forgive them...without ever shooting off my big mouth."

    I love your answer! Unforgiveness is a heavy weight to carry around.

    1. It is and it took me a long time to learn that lesson.

  4. Stacy, great answers to another fun Sunday Stealing! I wasn't much of a bike rider. We only lived a block from school and my bestie was across the street. Wishing you a good week ahead!!

    1. Thanks and the same to you! I lived near my friends, too (at least once I got to jr. high), but we'd all ride our bikes all over the neighborhood.

  5. I wanted to visit Chincoteague Island ever since I read...was it "Misty"? Would love to see the horses. Do they sell books at Target? I don't remember ever seeing any there. How lucky your daughter got to go to Australia. I never saw East Australia, where all the famous stuff is, but enjoyed 6 weeks in Western Australia and loved that.

    1. Yes, it was Misty. I had to read it in school when I was in 4th grade and I fell in love with the story. It was months afterward that I found out Chincoteague was a real place and going there was my dream for the next 20 years or so. At this point I've been there several times and in 2013 I finally got to see them swim the ponies across from Assateague to Chincoteague for the fireman's auction.
      Our daughter spent her 3 weeks in Eastern Australia and saw all the big tourist things.

  6. I love your festive blog look! :) And your answers.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Sometimes I think we must be related, Stacy, our answers are so similar in many areas.

    1. They are, aren't they? Probably comes from being close in age and the whole writer's mentality. And it proves that conservatives and liberals don't have to fight. :)

  9. More so than Seattle? Wow; I fear I could become clinically depressed. :) In a million years, I could never understand the attraction of boxing. Ugh.

    1. It doesn't really bother me until later in January through March. There are times during that period that I physically crave sunlight. That period of time here can best be described as a big, gray, bucket of SUCK! The sky is gray, the air is gray, the trees are gray, the ground is gray....


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