1. My son turns 32 today. How the heck did that happen??

2. Parents who use their children as weapons to hurt their spouse in a divorce should lose all parental rights, because in my humble opinion it's nothing short of child abuse.
3. Rape is a terrible thing, but so is destroying a life by declaring someone guilty without the burden of proof. Think about the atmosphere of a country in which everything can be taken away because someone makes an accusation. Anyone with an axe to grind or is holding a grudge or simply finds you standing in the way of what they want or believe could accuse you of something and destroy your reputation and life by taking away your career, friends, and possibly your freedom. Without a doubt rapists should be punished, but not purely on the basis of someone's "word," because as we are shown over and over in today's world integrity is an endangered species and the word of an awful lot of people means absolutely nothing.
4. Why does it rain every single time I'm off since I started my new job? Seriously. Why?
5. For Halloween "fun" one of the donut chains is offering delivery by the clown from Stephen King's IT. The commercial I saw is suggesting you send donuts to your friends this way. Knowing how many people feel about clowns, I'm guessing this might be a great way to not have those friends any longer.
6. The news is full of all the stores jumping on the "We're-not-going-to-be-open-for-Thanksgiving" bandwagon. That's nice, but the stores are already filling up with signs of Christmas! I've even seen some stores advertising that you don't have to wait till after Thanksgiving because they're having their Black Friday sales now.
7. This is going to be a long week. We're supposed to head out for a weekend away when I get home Friday night. You know that means every day is going to draaaaaag.
8. I think my laptop is working its way toward going belly up. I may disappear for a little bit at some point if it does. I can't stand blogging from my phone.
9. All these shark attacks and alligator attacks are just proving what I've always known....the only water my butt belongs in is in a swimming pool or a bathtub.
10. Watching the news about the helicopter used to break up a tailgating party gone wrong at the Penn State football game leaves me with mixed emotions. I understand the state police's thinking and the need to get the crowd under control, but.... When I was in 9th grade, my class and the whole community were changed in one horrific moment when a helicopter hovering over a church festival to drop numbered ping pong balls, meant to be used to claim prizes, instead crashed into the crowd. My class lost two of it's members and a beloved teacher. Around 10 died that day, many others were injured by either the helicopter or the rush to run away, and the emotional and psychological toll is still evident today in the survivors and the community as a whole.
LOL!!! I COULD NOT LOVE THIS POST MORE~~~I am sooo with you with losing friends by sending a clown - so NOT cool!!! I hate clowns!
ReplyDeleteI also agree with the no Thanksgiving shopping and n remember when I scoffed after seeing Halloween in stores back in June!!!!! Have a great day!
Ha! I can think of at least 2 friends that would probably never speak to me again if I had donuts delivered by a clown...even a friendly one!
DeleteOur Walmart is fully stocked with Christmas decorations in the garden center. Once Halloween is over they'll move them over to the seasonal section right inside the doors. Maybe they will leave the tiny little section of Thanksgiving decorations?
Oh my gosh - that helicopter incident - that is awful. God love you for living through that. I hadn't seen the latest Penn State thing but yeah, sometimes things just aren't thought through.
ReplyDeleteI am so with the #HimToo idea. I dont get how people are instantly like, "Welp, she said it, its true" - we've taken a weird turn in this country lately - its just sad.
You're blogging from your phone? I'm impressed. I cant do anything on my phone that involves my blog. Hope you get your computer fixed.
Fortunately, I wasn't at the crash. The two girls who died were good friends of mine and we had talked the week before at school about going, but back then parents didn't drive you to get together with friends very often...the kids in your neighborhood were your friends (or enemies)...so my parents said "no" to driving me to Derry, which is only about 5 miles away. Had they said yes I'd have been right at "ground zero" with my friends as were other friends from school who were injured or at least deeply scarred psychologically.
DeleteHave you read The Harbinger? It makes so much sense of what's going on right now in the U.S. We are the only nation other than Israel that was ever founded on God's law and we have kicked God to the curb. I believe he has withdrawn his blessing and that unless we turn back to him as a nation judgement is coming.
No, not blogging from my phone. I don't even know if I can from my new one. I could from my old one, but it was tedious and a pain.
I so agree with you and #2 & 3!! Talk about old...my grandson is 32! lol
ReplyDeleteLOL....thanks for making me feel better! My oldest grandchild is only 10. ;)
DeleteWow to that helicopter crash! Talk about PTSD! I agree with your #3. I wish you and your hubby a very fun get-away and sure hope the weather cooperates!
ReplyDeleteYes, I think there are still signs of PTSD in the town. I know at least a couple of friends who were standing near the ones who died that are still in therapy. Survivors' guilt, I suppose.
DeleteOh, and it looks the the weather is going to be gorgeous, but keep Tim in prayer. He may be dealing with another kidney stone that could kill the weekend.
DeleteYes! Terri took the words right out of my mouth -- both about the helicopter and #3. When I was working for the TV station back in Tampa/St. Pete, the news chopper went down … thankfully, in shallow water; no fatalities. Still, the news director mandated that every reporter had to go up. If I were working in the news department, that would have been the deciding factor to move on. No way I'll ever set my booty in one of those!
ReplyDeleteI love flying in a helicopter. When we lived in the wildlife preserve the helicopter pilot for KDKA was a friend of my parents and he used to land on the preserve now and then and he'd take me for rides when he did. Our biologist was a pilot, too, and took me up in small planes. When I was younger I had the flying bug so bad I seriously considered joining the Air Force.