October 9, 2018

10 Things...

...that really get my knickers in a twist.

1. Someone else's toast crumbs (or jelly) in the butter.

2. Disgusting public restrooms. Really? Do you do that in your bathroom at home??? How lazy can you be?

3. Acting superior. You may be superior, but it you should never use it to make someone else feel like less.

4. Flies (or any bug, really) in the house. Sorry. One keeps buzzing around my head and landing on the laptop screen. I was not made to co-habitate with bugs!

5. Constant interruptions when I am reading or writing. How is it that you have NOTHING to say to me all day, but the minute I sit down to read you become a Chatty Cathy?

6. Movie dialog in which every other word is the f-bomb. There are millions of other words in the world...give them a try! I'm pretty sure no cop ever got the bad guy because he could out cuss him.

7. Being with someone and being totally ignored in favor of their cell phone.

8. Finishing a new book by a favorite author....and having to wait a year (or longer) until their next one comes out. Janet Evanovich and James Rollins, I'm waiting!

9. Being called "Honey," "Sweetie," "Sugar," or any other cutesie term of endearment by the 20 year old waiting on me.

10. Reverse bragging. That is, those who, when you mention an ailment or other problem, always have or have had it worse. If I tell you I have hemorrhoids (not that I ever would mention that to you) why would you want to elaborate in great detail about the world-record setting 'rhoids you had? How does that make you feel better, more important, or whatever it is that it does for you?


  1. Reverse bragging - that made me laugh.That goes with the one that irks me - the KNOW IT ALL. UGHHHH
    GIRLLLL - sharing a public bathroom with about 30 ladies at work - I'm always amazed at how gross people can be. people that you see every day. I dont get people that walk right by you at the sink washing your hands & they just walk out without washing theirs. EWWWWWWWW.... I just can't
    I try not to read books that make me wait. I did that with Harry Potter for all those years, & now, I just wait till a whole series is out so I dont have to forget what's happened when the next book comes out

    1. Oh, trust me...the KNOW IT ALL was seriously considered for the list. As for bathrooms...I work in a nursing home where people should know about and be concerned about cleanliness but the staff bathrooms prove repeatedly...not so much for some.
      I don't have the willpower to wait for a whole series to come out. Sheesh, with my 2 favorites the wait would have begun about 20 years ago and still be going on!

  2. Your 1 and 10 - at the top of my lists too!!!! Absolutely agree with all these though! Also, I quit reading Janet Evanovich for this reason - LOL!!!

    1. Evanovich was throwing me a bone for a while there with having a couple of other series going, but she hasn't had anything come out for about a year.

  3. Chuckling all the way through this because I agree with each and every one of these!! Amen!!

  4. Rolling on the floor over here, Stacy! #10 is totally my former boss. Yes, I think it made her feel superior (#3). #5 sounds awfully familiar. Jus' saying....

    1. Those #10 people drive me nuts! I've never had a boss like that, thank goodness.

  5. I agree with many of these. My father-in-law was famous for leaving a pile of crumbs in the butter. It made us all crazy so we started buying him his own tub.

  6. That #10 is a pet peeve of mine too. No matter how old I get, I don't want some youngster calling me Dearie or Sweetie. Grrr.


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