September 2, 2018

Sunday Stealing: Freaky Poptart

Good morning and welcome! It's Sunday so that means joining in with the "thieves" over at Sunday Stealing for a fun little meme that was stolen from someone else, but don't is always given. So, let's get on with the show!

Stolen from Freaky Poptart

What is one thing that you would change about yourself if you could?

There are probably a lot of things I'd change if I could, but these days the number one thing that comes to mind is my feet. I would swap them out in a heartbeat for new feet that are pain free.

Name three exotic countries you would like to visit:

Israel, Egypt, and Cuba.

What do you think the secret to life is?

Not a religion, but a relationship with God.

Best concert: 

I only live about 45 minutes from where Flight 93 went down and the memorial. On the 10th anniversary of 9-11 a lot of dignitaries and celebrities were in the area. I had tickets to the Toby Keith concert for that day and Trace Adkins opened for him. Trace had performed at the ceremony at the Flight 93 Memorial and Toby had been honored in Pittsburgh for all he had done for the troops (he goes overseas to where they are every year). Anyway, as you can imagine, patriotism was riding high that day, the guys were pumped and it came out in their show. And at the end Trace joined Toby on stage and sang a couple of patriotic songs together. The crowd went nuts!

Song you can listen to over and over and not get tired of: 

Anything by the Christian group Casting Crowns is in that category. As far as popular music, I love Billy Joel's "Piano Man" and sing along loudly and badly every time. It takes me back to my college days.

Worst movie music soundtrack or score: 

I remember the soundtracks I like, but I really don't remember any bad ones...I guess I just don't pay attention to those.

A song you wish wouldn't get stuck in your head but always does: 

I don't really get ear worms very often so when I do it doesn't bother me. I just go with it and sing along till it goes away.

Who was your FIRST date?

Technically, I guess it would be the boy I went to the 9th grade dinner dance with, but we were 14 and not nearly as worldly as 14 year olds are today so it was pretty lame as far as dates go. More of a he hung out with his friends and I hung out with mine kind of thing.

Do you still talk to your FIRST love?

Since my husband was the first time I ever experienced what I consider true love, the answer is yes.

What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?

The very weak sloe gin and orange juice drinks the adults used to allow us kids to have during big holiday celebrations. Don't get upset...we were only allowed one and they were orange juice with about 2 drops of sloe gin. It just made us feel grown up. 

What was your FIRST job?

Babysitting for my dad's (truly nasty, gross, and perverted) boss.

What was your FIRST car?

Tim and I bought a Pontiac Grand Prix together a couple of months before we got married.

Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?

The research biologist at the wildlife preserve my dad managed was a pilot and Mom and Dad socialized with him and some of his other friends who were also pilots. They would often take me up as I loved to fly. They'd just fly over the local area and point out places I'd know.

Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?

It was Ginger and we reconnected just a few years back on Facebook.

Whose wedding did you attend the FIRST time?

There may have been others, but the first one I remember is one of my aunt's. I was a flower girl.

Tell us about your FIRST roommate.

My roommate my freshman year of college was a friend from the neighborhood at home. We thought we'd like being with someone we knew. We didn't. She went home every weekend for the longest time. She went through some health issues and slept constantly for a while. I was a party girl and annoyed her greatly. We stayed friends and even pledged the same sorority, but did not room together again.

If you had one wish, what would it be (other than more wishes)?

For my husband to feel better and have the time to enjoy it.

What is something you would learn if you had the chance?

I can cook fairly well, but I would love to go to cooking learn some more advanced techniques and just for fun.

Did you marry the FIRST person you were in love with? 

I married the first person I found REAL love with. There were times before my husband that I thought (in my teenage wisdom) that I was in love, but those were nothing but infatuation.

What were the first lessons you ever took and why? 

I think swimming lessons came before riding lessons, but I'm not 100% sure. As to the why, I'd guess so as not to drown in the pool!

What is the first thing you do when you get home? 

Pick up the dog and love on her and get her outside. She does not handle me being away all day very well.

That's all for this week.
Get out there and enjoy your Sunday!


  1. I love on my dogs too, they are standing there to greet me everyday!
    I would go to cooking school too. I can cook also, but I would like to be able to cook more things.
    Have a nice long weekend! I enjoyed your answers!

    1. I always say nobody else is ALWAYS as happy to see me as my dog!

  2. Fun questions today! We had similar answers for a few of them today. I always enjoy reading your answers, Stacy!

    1. Thanks for visiting and we did have quite a few similar answers

  3. Patriotic music can be so moving and I can only imagine Toby Keith and Trace Adkins can rock the house. Have a great Labor Day!

    1. They did indeed rock the house! I hope you have a great holiday, too!

  4. I am sorry you have painful feet. When your feet hurt it is hard to concentrate and I think it makes the rest of you hurt, too.

    1. At its worst it sure is hard to think about anything else. I may have to give in and try the cortisone shots. :/

  5. Oh, that concert must have been amazing. I love both Toby and Trace … and of course, we're coming up to the day I might as well forget applying cosmetics. 9/11 still 'gets' me and I'm not embarrassed to say so.

    1. It was an awesome concert. I've seen them together twice and that time blew the other one out of the water! I'm not one for swearing, but I do agree with the sentiment of the statement Toby always closes his concerts with..."Never apologize for your patriotism. If they don't like it, F-em!"

  6. Isn't it great to come home to see a happy, wiggling, loving dog? I love coming home to my Shelby.

  7. I love Billy Joel's songs. "Piano Man" is great!
    Dogs are so much fun to have around the house. I can't imagine not having one.
    If you have the time, look for Saturday shows on PBS because they are good for learning new cooking techniques. I'm not sure if they are still on, but many ideas came from them. Have a great week, Stacy. I know it's hectic..

  8. I never realized you lived near the memorial! I need to stop by there since they have added the voices of wind tower (I think that is what it is called). I pass the exit to the memorial on the way to Harrisburg.


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