September 1, 2018

Saturday 9 & The Final Happiness Post

Good morning! I'm hoping to be able to get this posted before heading off to work. I'm still adjusting to my new schedule. (Can I just say how much I love not getting up at 3:45 to be at work by 5:30? Cause I really do!) I haven't had to work on a Saturday in years. I can't say I love having to work 2 weekends a month or the thought of working on holidays, but I do like the job. Working with dementia patients is proving to be very rewarding and I am learning so much about the disease.

You didn't stop by to hear about that so here's the Saturday 9. I'm linking up with Sam and the gang so if you thought this was fun, please stop over at the site and find out how to play along and see links to the other players.

She Works Hard for the Money (1983) 
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about a woman who works hard as a waitress. What's the hardest job you've ever had?

Physically, it was probably the summer before my senior year of high school. I spent it in the Pocono's working for the Youth Conservation Corp. We went MILES on our knees "grubbing" hiking trails (pulling every weed and blade of grass and removing any stones that were sticking up), mucking out ponds, building stone dams to create better trout fishing, picking up garbage (people throw some pretty disgusting stuff out their car windows!), and doing whatever else they found for us to do.

Mentally, it was the week I worked as a telemarketer. That's all the longer I lasted. Worst job ever.

2) The lyrics tell us she has worked at this job for 28 years. What's the longest you stayed with one employer?

That would be the 12 years I was with the bus company I just left.

3) Donna Summer was inspired to write this song during an awards show. She ducked into the bathroom and met the elderly ladies' room attendant, whose job it was to make sure the room the spotless, the complimentary hairspray and moisturizer was abundant, and there was a hot towel for every celebrity who used the facilities. "Wow," Donna thought, "she works hard for those tips." Who is the last person you tipped?

The delivery driver who brought our pizza last night.

4) Early in her career, Donna was in the touring company of the musical Hair. It played in Munich for so long that she became fluent in German. What's the longest you have ever lived away from home?

I guess it would be when I was in college. I've never gone on a world tour, run away with the circus or anything exciting like that.

5) Sam's dad is naturally outgoing and enjoys striking up conversations with waitresses, librarians, the checker at the supermarket, etc. Sam is always polite but more private. Are you more like father or daughter?

I am definitely more like Sam. I suck at chitchat and never know what to say to start a conversation with people I don't know. I'm not particularly good at or fond of it with people I do know, either. I find it boring most of the time.

6) A little more than 10% of the American workforce is self-employed. Have you ever been your own boss?

I suppose, if you count things like selling AVON.

7) Labor Day weekend may offer a golden opportunity for napping and sleeping in. Do you snore?

My husband assures me I do.

8) Will you be attending a Labor Day picnic or barbecue? 

Not that I know of, but if we do, it'd just be getting together with my mom and stepdad and our daughter and her family for a meal. I'm not imagining anyone will be wanting to do much outside, though. The temperature is supposed to be at 90 or above on Monday with very high humidity. When you consider the heat index, it's going to feel like about 100 degrees. I imagine we'll all be home in our air conditioning.

9) Labor Day traditionally marks the beginning of the fall. Will you be adding any new fall clothes to your wardrobe?

Not specifically for fall or this weekend. I just had to buy a lot of clothes I can wear for my new job and I still need a few more things. Too bad my position doesn't wear scrubs. I've seen some really cute matching sets since I've been working and they're so easy to care for and they're sturdy. Of course had they told me to wear scrubs, I'd probably wish to wear regular clothes.


And before I forget. Again. Here's my final offering for the August Happiness Challenge.

Day 31

My mom loves her great-grandchildren, but doesn't get to have much one on one time with them. My son just doesn't come around all that much and my daughter is a little nervous about leaving her son with her, because he's a toddler and she is worried he'll be more than Mom can handle. 

With me back to work, my daughter has had to start depending on Mom a little bit. She has asked Mom to babysit twice this week. Once while she was mowing everyone's grass (she has taken up mowing hers, ours, and Mom's since we all live in a little cluster) and once while she went to a doctor's appointment.

Anyway, what made me happy yesterday was seeing my grandson give my Mom a huge grin and run to hug her....and the HUGE grin that put on Mom's face.


  1. It looks like a lot of us are lousy at small talk.

  2. I hit reply too soon,
    I also meant to add, I wounder if that is why we write blogs because we are lousy at small talk and we make up for that with our blogs.

  3. Scrubs would be such a great equalizer at the office! We have no dress code at work, yet there's pressure on us women to dress well while men get away with t-shirts emblazoned with their vacation destinatins.

    1. I worked outside the dementia unit today and my counter parts there dress a LOT more fashionably than those I've been working with. I much prefer the casual. There are only 2 men working there (other than maintenance) and they wear scrubs.

  4. Your response to the small talk question is me! I never know what to say or how to follow up. I do not necessarily get bored, but I am for sure lousy at talking to people. I am a teacher, so little people are different and it is kind of easy talking about kids to parents, because they want to talk about their kids. Other than that, I am quiet. Once I get to know someone it is easier for me, but it is super hard at first. YIKES! Have a nice long weekend! I enjoyed your answers and I loved your happiness challenge!

    1. I did find it easier to talk to the kids when I drove a bus and it's very easy to talk with the residents at the nursing home. I don't always get bored with small talk...I guess it depends on how small it is. The weather, people I don't know, shopping, I don't know, maybe it's just how some people deliver the subject.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. It was so nice to see how happy it made Mom.

  6. Awww... that happiness post is just the best!! I enjoyed your Sat9 answers today. It is always a fun exercise! Happy weekend!

  7. You got a new job! Congratulations. I guess I need to go back and read some entries to see what you are doing. I know you were ready to leave bus driving. I'm very proud of you for moving forward. Well done, my blogging friend! Well done!

    1. Thank you! I made a pretty big change. I'm what they call a life enrichment partner at a nursing home. It's activities, but activities does not mean what it used to mean. We are very involved in the residents' lives. Mostly I work with dementia residents...challenging, but very fulfilling.

  8. What a heartwarming picture your Happiness words paint! The Youth Conversation Corp sounds a military boot camp … good thing the key word is 'youth'! LOL.

    1. You've got that right! I know I'd never survive that job these days. I sleep straight through 2 days when I got home even back then.

  9. Oh, I think being a telemarketer would be one of the hardest jobs on the face of the earth. People are so rude and ugly most of the time to them. Have a good weekend!

    1. Being the telemarketer was an eye-opening experience. They are just people trying to make a living, too, and the abuse they take from the people they call...and surprisingly, from the companies that supply ridiculous. The stress was incredible and it didn't begin to pay enough to put up with that.


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