August 9, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Good morning! It's Thursday and that means it's time to link up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand to list some of the things we're thankful for.

This week I am thankful...

* for my new job, even though I haven't started it yet.

* for the phone call from the owner of the bus company in which he thanked me repeatedly for being such a good employee during my time with the company, wished me nothing but the best, and said if anything ever happened that put me in a place where I wanted to come back he would rehire me on the spot.

* my daughter started her new job today. It will help take some of the stress off her husband when it comes to those big mortgage payments they got stuck with. Say a prayer, if you would, that we can get the childcare thing worked out. They really don't want to put Colton in daycare for all the reasons you see on the news and besides that, it would eat up most of what she makes, so why work? I've already said I will keep him on my days off if she is working. My son-in-law's mother, who is the same age as me and already retired, isn't willing to keep him more than a couple of times a week. My mom is willing to fill in, but she's going to be 74 next week and that's a little scary, too.

* my son and his wife are celebrating their 10th anniversary today. They have really matured and we're proud of them.

* I picked the first ripe full-size tomatoes yesterday.

* my husband shared yesterday that he was going to tell me not to go back to the bus garage even if I didn't get the job...just because he knew I wasn't really happy there.

* right at this moment, that Colton didn't wake up when I brought him in from the car. He was so tired and grumpy when we stopped at Walmart. I knew he'd sleep for a few hours when we got home. We hit some road construction on the way and I tried, oh, did I try, to keep him awake, but he just couldn't keep those eyes open. I was so worried he'd wake up because you know when a kid falls asleep in the car and wakes up 2 seconds later their batteries are fully charged again. So, yeah, I'm thankful he's still sleeping.

* just like always...for all of you!


  1. What a wonder-FULL week … and it's not over yet!
    I particularly liked that gesture by your (near) former employer … almost as much as what your hubby said. What a guy!
    Prayers that Colton's care situation has a happy resolution!

    1. Yes, my ex-employer's call blew me away. I couldn't reach him so left a message on his voice mail. He really didn't have any reason to call me except to be a very nice human being. :)

  2. Jobs all around for everyone :) That's great.
    & even sweeter is that hubs of yours noticing you werent happy there!
    & that says a lot about you that they were so kind on your notice. Always good to leave a place in good standing!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I love making up these Thursday gratitude posts...really makes you think about how good you really have it.

  4. Congrats to you and your daughter and I hope all will be happy at their new jobs and also that you'll bet great childcare for Colton.

  5. I am still smiling from reading this thankful post, Stacy! I'm just so happy for you and your new job!! Happy 10th to the kids, and good luck to your daughter and her new job! Glad Colton stayed asleep for you!

  6. I'll be praying for the childcare situation. I was fortunate to be able to stay home with my girls. Now that they are older, I'm watching my cousin's two boys as she had a bad experience with daycare. They keep me hopping! Thanks for stopping by and GO STEELERS!!!


  7. Congrats on the new job for both you AND your daughter! That is so wonderful and exciting!


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