August 11, 2018

Sunday Stealing: Blazing Stars

Stolen from See the Stars Ablaze

1. You’re in a tattoo parlor about to get inked. What are you getting done?

Good question. My daughter and I always wanted to get mother/daughter tattoos, but haven't been able to agree on a design. Other possibilities include "Walk by faith" on the side of my foot with a line of footprints or a ring of clovers and daisies around my ankle.

2. If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be?

Nancy Drew or Scout Finch. Either would work for me.

3. You’re given $10,000…under one condition: you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who would you give it to?

My local police department that, small as it is, faces the daunting task of being the headquarters for the region's drug task force. That is no small thing given that we are smack in the eye of the hurricane that is the opioid epidemic. 

4. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

I wouldn't change anything that affected me since it all helped to make me who I am, but as a parent I wish I could go back and change a couple of decisions concerning my kids.

5. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?

My daughter went through some pretty rough years in her late teens and early 20's before she got her act together.  I'm not sure which of those years I'd delete, but it would definitely be one of those. The stress nearly destroyed me.

6. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy?

Either a sword because they're cool or a gun because I actually know how to use one of those and I love Bruce Willis's line in Die Hard....Yippee-ki-yay mf'er! I'd totally steal that, but leave out the f-bomb and substitute something else in.

7. What is the first curse word that comes to mind?

I really try not to swear, but I guess since when I'm frustrated or bang my toe off the dresser or something I tend to say "poop" or "crap on a cracker," it must mean that s*** would be the first one that comes to mind.

8. Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for ten years or someone you hate for a month? Explain why.

I'll take someone I hate for a month. My reasoning is that I don't hate anyone and I can deal with anyone for a month, but I'm sure even a loved one is going to start annoying the heck out of me if we're stuck on an island for ten years.

9. 5 things within touching distance:

  • TV remote
  • Can of Diet Coke
  • Wireless mouse
  • Framed photo of our daughter's family
  • A giant plastic dump truck loaded down with all of our grandson's other cars.

10. What are you supposed to be doing right now?

If I was smart I'd be sleeping since we're taking on all three grandkids tomorrow! I know I wouldn't be able to sleep yet, so here I sit.

11. Currently wanting to see anyone?

Not really. We'll get to see the whole family tomorrow so I'm good.

12. Would you go against your moral code for money?

I wouldn't.

13. What’s more important to you: strength of the body or strength of the mind?

I supposed strength of mind, but really, I don't think we get the full human experience without both.

14. How important you think education is?

Very. I think we should be on a life-long quest for knowledge. If we are not learning, we are stagnating. That said, I don't necessarily believe that a college degree is the best option for everyone. There are limitless ways to learn.

15. If you were the president, what would you do?

Set term limits for senators and representatives; eliminate income tax and institute a small sales tax across the board; eliminate redundant agencies and cut wasteful spending as in, if we don't have the money, we don't just buy it or do it anyway; and pull the federal government out of things that it has no business in, things that should be up to the individual states.

Whew, these were some thoughtful questions this week. Thanks for finding them, Bev, and getting us thinking! If you'd like to join in, just click the button below.

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  1. #7 I just say shit. That's about as curse-y as I get.

  2. I love your answers! Have fun with your family tomorrow! Have a nice week.

    1. Thank you! We are enjoying the kids, though having a bit of a break now since they are next door at their aunt's house.

  3. #7. I'm most likely to say "shoot a bug" but I'll admit that the f bomb got used a lot right after Elle died. Low thresholds, an all... Your answer to #13 is very good.
    You are knee deep in kidlets at the moment, so have fun!

    1. I might give in to some serious cussing if I had to bury my child. I'm sure that falls in understandable circumstances. Never heard "shoot a bug." My best friend in school had a whole library of phrases like that, that she'd gotten from her Hungarian grandmother. Gems like "Son of a pitch me out the upstairs window!" or "Son of a sea cook!"

  4. I clearly have the vocabulary of a salty sailor! That said, I may have to steal "crap on a cracker"

    1. Feel free. I thought that one came out of my own head, but since I recently saw it used in a book...obviously not.

  5. you think "Yippee-ki-yay" would have the same impact without the mother f'er?

    Interesting thing to do with your $10,000

    1. Probably not the same impact, but maybe if I think about it long enough I can come up with a good substitute.

      They really need it. When they do the big drug round ups they hold them all in our town's little jail until they're processed. The jail is older and not at all as secure and safe as it needs to be to handle all those prisoners. When I was president of the civic club we had about $30,000 to donate before we disbanded the club. Some of us wanted to help the police, but the majority voted to donate the bulk of it for a bench with a plaque listing the club's name and a flower bed along a walking path in town. A $25,000 bench....the ladies should get jobs in Washington!

  6. Oh my, we both want to be Nancy Drew. Ha. I like that.

    1. Uh-oh! If we both get our wish are we going to have a fight about who gets to be Nancy?

  7. Yes to your #15. We were definitely thinking along the same lines. I loved Nancy Drew back in the day. Didn't even think of her! We answered #4 about the same. Love your choice for #6!!

    1. I'm no longer surprised when our answers are so similar. We think alike most of the time.

  8. Great answers, Stacy … in particular #4 and #15. #7 made me sit up and realize how much my language has changed since I retired. My boss and her AGM both used the 'f' bomb ALL the time. They even used to laugh how 'cute' it was when one's 3-year old said it. Unfortunately, that rubbed off on me for a while. Not proud.

    You'd never find me (conscious) in a tattoo parlor, but I really like the idea of your 'walk in faith.'


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