June 8, 2018

Moving Day Blues

Listen! Do you hear that? It's the sound of silence...peace and quiet. It's music to my ears.

Yesterday was the main moving out of the apartment day for the kids (they will still have to deal with moving into the house after closing). The best thing I can say about yesterday is that it makes me thankful, VERY thankful that I my own moving days are long behind me.

Oy, what an ordeal. The kids have so much stuff. Seriously. When my mom (who throws virtually nothing away) compares you to a hoarder, you know you've got a lot of stuff. The boys moved all the big stuff, but left all the rest of the packing and moving up to our daughter. She called in the calvary (Mom and Grandma).

I wanted to weep when I saw what a mess of stuff there was to try and pack. I think the problem comes from both of them having ADHD. They have no organizational skills between them. None. Important papers were stuffed everywhere. If something had more than one piece the pieces were not all in the same place. Some pieces may be lost to the universe forever.

I've also been babysitting our grandson a good bit and while I love every minute of it, chasing toddlers constantly is for the young! Nanny needs a rest.

Still, it could be worse. I could be in the kids' shoes. They have been bickering something awful between the stress of getting the apartment emptied out and the stress of jumping through all the hoops to get to closing on the house. Last night our daughter and grandson stayed here while our son-in-law worked (he's on midnight shift...which also isn't helping the stress of the situation). Our daughter blew in about 10:30 last night with a mountain of suitcases and bags and alternating between raging about her husband and his family and crying because she was so tired and hurting.

I bathed the baby and gave him a snack and he cuddled right up and calmed down. I hope he went to sleep easily for her since they were both back up by 7:30 this morning.

Anyway, I think I was able to calm our daughter down a bit as well with some advice and a little food and rest did a lot, too.

Our son-in-law picked them and all the stuff up a little while ago. They are checking into a hotel for the next few days until my mom and stepdad move to his house up on the ridge for the summer and fall. Once they're gone, the kids will stay there until they close on the house.

It's going to be a long couple of weeks, but it will be worth it in the end. Though I may still strangle someone at Quicken Loans before it's all over.


  1. Yikes! That's a lot of upheaval! I hope the rest of the transition goes smoothly.

    I love your memes!

  2. Oh my! I'm confused as to who was moving where and who wasn't moving or what...but it sounds like more confusion that I could handle at this stage in life. However, I am the queen of moving. In our 49 years of marriage we have moved about 35+ times. I quite counting. Some were short term from apartment to house to staying with the folks while house was being built, etc., etc., due to years of hubby going to seminary, being a minister, etc. Someday I will finish writing the book, but I wanted to make sure we were done moving first. I hope so. But then again...this house is awfully big for two old folks...never say never! Enjoyed your post and I pray everyone lives happily every after.

  3. In our married life of almost 50 years, we have moved one time. I vowed I would not do it again when we moved out our our mobile home in 1975. I do not do well with stress. When our son to the south west part of our state in 2000. When he came back eighteen months later, he left a lot of the big items, furniture etc. there. When he moved to Kansas in 2011, he didn't have a lot of stuff for an apartment. But when he returned in 2015 he had more furniture. The moving company was a dud and it took a week for his things to get to his new place. I do not care for moving.

  4. Oh my word, Stacy! … and you're still speaking? (LOL) Thank God you and your mom were there for her!
    Unfortunately, some of the wounds from our last move are still so raw, it's going to be a while before I can laugh about it.


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