May 19, 2018

Some Days You're the Windshield, Some Days You're the Bug

Linking up with Bev and the band of thieves at Sunday Stealing.

This is from Care Bears
What never fails to cheer you up?  My grandchildren. I simply can't stay in a mood when confronted by their sweet, innocent faces.

Which friend do you have the most in common with?  My friend, Fran. She is about 12 years older than me, but our life experiences have been very similar and we have a similar way of looking at things. Plus there are "old souls" in this world, but Fran is a "young soul." You'd never know she is 67. She has more energy and does more than most people I know who are 20 or 30 years younger. (The energy is NOT something we share, though I wish we did.)

One thing that never fails to anger you?  When someone intentionally tries to hurt someone whether it's physically or emotionally.

Favourite way to spend a sunny day?   A day at home....puttering in the garden, reading a book on the deck, watching the grandkids play, cooking on the grill.

Create a fortune cookie note based on your week.  Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug.

Favourite way to exercise?  It used to be walking. I would walk for miles and miles and never give it a thought. Now that I'm getting older and am plagued with aching joints, arthritis, and plantar fasciitis, I can't walk too far before being in pain. So, our house is filled with various exercise machines we've seen on television. I guess the Total Gym is my favorite. I like the Fluidity Bar, but I'm anything but fluid these days.

Favourite thing about your best friend? 
Her absolute, unfailing zest for life.

What kind of things do you like to create?  Food. I'm actually a pretty good cook. I also like to craft, though I don't do a lot of it. Oh, and journals. I always have a journal or two going and I usually decorate the pages with collages, stickers, sketches or whatever appeals...not that they always have anything to do with the writing.

What languages would you like to learn?  I'm not overly eager to learn any language, but if I must choose....Italian. I love Under the Tuscan Sun and would love to take an extended vacation in Italy.

A topic you’re really knowledgeable about?  Being that I have a background in journalism, I have what my college advisor said was the desirable mix for a reporter....I'm not really an "expert" on anything, but I know a bit about everything. That said, I do know a good bit about dealing with kids (thanks to extensive training when I was a church youth director and the whole bus gig), gardening, cooking, and the bible.

When do you feel you look your best?  About 30 years ago. Okay, seriously....when I am feeling strong mentally and emotionally.  You know, when you're feeling 10 feet tall and bullet proof.  I think that confidence shows up in the way you carry yourself and view yourself.

What types of music do you like to listen to?  Contemporary Christian, pop, 80s, oldies (I refuse to acknowledge that my 80s music is now classified as oldies.), country, Big Band, swing, jazz....pretty much anything but opera, death metal, and the really crude/violent rap.

Something that leaves you completely in awe?  People who can not only forgive, but also have a relationship with someone who has abused them or killed their child or something horrible like that.

What is your most childish aspect?  My sense of humor and my playfulness. I don't care that I'm 53, it's still funny when the ketchup "farts."

A time where you had to be really brave?  When I got a phone call in the middle of the night from the police telling me my husband was in the emergency room. We were living in Orlando right after we got married and he went out with some guys from work. On the way home he stopped to help a woman whose car was broke down. Only it wasn't. When he stopped and got out of the car 6 or 7 guys came up out of the canal, beat the crap out of him, hit him in the head with the butt of a pistol, and stole the car. When I got to the ER, the deputy that met me started out by saying, "It looks bad, there's a lot of blood....but that's typical of head wounds. He has a concussion, but is okay." Nothing like giving me heart failure first. We considered ourselves lucky because while we were there they brought in another man that the same thing had happened to, but they had shot him in the stomach. We did get the car back and it was undamaged except for all the black powder they dusted for fingerprints with. We even got his wallet back since they took the money and tossed it and the man who found it called us.

How do you like to keep warm?  Sweaters or snuggly pullovers, thows, the dog, and a fire in the pellet stove.

What brings out your soft side?  Babies (people or animals).

What is your favourite way to treat yourself?
  A mani-pedi....and I am long overdue since it is officially sandal weather.

Something you’re proud of about yourself?  I don't know. I'm not really a proud kind of person. 

Something you don’t care about?  The royal wedding.  Sorry to all of you who do.  I didn't see the last one, either.  Heck, I didn't even see Charles and Diana's.  I was working with the Youth Conservation Corps in the Pocono Mountains that summer and there were no tv's.


  1. An early Sunday post! I enjoyed your answers! Wow to that story about your hubby stopping to help someone and ending up in the ER. Glad he wasn't hurt worse and that you got your car back. Wow again. Heart-stopping for you! Yes, babies do soften the heart, whether human or four-legged. Have a good Sunday!! Counting down to your summer break!!

    1. It would be bad now, but it really was scary for me at the time...20 years old and living 1000 miles away from my family. And yes, I am counting down. Only 8 more days!

  2. I chose babies too (of all species). I got into the wedding thing just because is was a "thing." In truth, I didn't really care one way or the was an excuse to learn how to make clotted cream!

    1. What the heck is clotted cream? They were talking about it on the radio the other day and they didn't really know, either.

    2. Heaven on a scone and ridiculously easy to make...just time consuming. Watch

    3. Thanks. I will check it out. I'm curious.

  3. Your answers were interesting. The story about your husband's experience is sad but I'm glad he recovered.

  4. That was a hair-raising story about your hubby. Whew. I didn't watch the wedding, either.

    1. I'm finding that most people I know didn't care or watch.

  5. What a terrifying ordeal for your hubby. One always thinks, those sort of things happen to Other People. Love your fortune cookie! :)

  6. I was thinking about scheduling a pedi. Mine needs a refresh.

    The royal weddings give me something joyful to focus on instead of the horror and tragedy of the news lately.

    1. I guess there is that. I'd just rather read a book or something.

  7. I love your fortune cookie! wow what a very scary situation for you and your husband I couldn't even imagine that phone call. Thank the Lord that it wasn't his time to go! I also refuse to believe that our 80's music is (OLD) thanks for stopping by


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