April 1, 2018

April Challenge - April 1

Name 5 problems with social media.

1. Hardly anyone shares their really, real life. It seems like most people either make their lives sound way better than they probably are, or else, they boo-hoo about everything. Spend long enough on there and it can really get to you and bring you down.

2. All the ads! Visit a website ONE time and ads for it will pop up in your newsfeed all the time.

3. A lot of people suddenly think they are an expert about everything.

4. Privacy, privacy, PRIVACY! (As in you really don't have any on social media.)

5. We are becoming more and more addicted to and dependent on it. Many younger users who have grown up with it are losing the ability to communicate well, show empathy, and process their own emotions.

Joining in with Kwizgiver for this challenge.


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