April 4, 2018

April Challenge #4

There's no Wednesday Hodgepodge this week as Joyce has too much going on in real life, so you and I will have to be content with the April Challenge.

10 Interesting Facts About Yourself

1. I often struggle with the feeling that I've not done enough with my life...essentially wasted it.

2. Sometimes I really hate the way my kids treat me like I'm a doddering old fool with no clue about how life or the world works (and no hope of figuring it out).  I'm only 53 for cripe's sake!

3. I hate my knees. They're all bulgy on the inside.  Always have been, even when I was a kid.

4. Ditto my feet. Though more because of how much pain they cause rather than how they look.

5. I love plants and flowers.  I keep several houseplants and outside I always have pots of flowers and vegetables, along with raised garden beds. Some things I'm better at keeping alive than others, but I like having plants around me.  I got that from my Nana.

6. I love cooking, but I hate trying to come up with different meals every day and I LOATHE having to cook when I get home from work. We end up eating takeout more than we should.

7. I'm sort of addicted to watching politics. I like it so much I actually considered declaring a minor in political science to go with my journalism major back in college.

8. As introverted and shy as I tend to be, I have no qualms about acting like a ginormous goof for a good cause.

9. I have to be on my guard ALL THE TIME with Facebook and blogging because that's where any OCD traits I have show up. I want to check stats and comments continuously.

10. I cannot find a good pillow. I have tried them all. Well, there is one left to try, but it comes with a $219 price tag, so that's not happening. In the meantime, I just keep beating the snot out of my "Perfect" pillow every night.


  1. I have the same issues with feeling that way about life... the "what if's" that go through your mind. I always think I totally picked the wrong career & how wonderful life would be if I had picked another one.
    I'm all about making a fool out of myself for a good cause ;)

  2. Ditto to your #1, Stacy; I suppose that's normal. #2 made me chuckle! Puleeeze let me know if you find that Good pillow .....before I go out and buy a foam wedgie!

  3. I have a black thumb of death. Just cannot keep plants alive no matter how much I want to.

    And I keep having the same foods over and over because I hate making meals for just myself.

  4. I'm with Kwizgiver...black thumb here too. I enjoyed reading your list of 10!!

  5. I have a "medium" Wamsutta pillow that I got at Bed, Bath and Beyond and I love it to distraction. Do you have one of those stores near you? An entire aisle of pillows. Your quest may end happily there!

    1. I think there is one in Pittsburgh. I'll have to check it out the next time I'm down that way.


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