Sorry for the lack of "real" posts lately. Things have been, not so much hectic or busy, as...derailed. When bad weather strikes and school goes on a 2-hour delay the best laid plans go out the window. When your husband turns the house into a construction zone, plans go out the window. When your daughter is bored and lonely and longing for company and asks you to go shopping with her and her son, plans go out the window. When it's February in Pennsylvania and the sky is gray, the ground is gray...when it seems like the very air you breathe is gray, the cold wind howls like a wolf at the door, and something wet, frozen, or wet and frozen is always falling from the sky...plans don't go out the window, THEY DIE a tragic death because all you want to do is hibernate and get lost in books and movies.
That's my excuse. And I'm sticking to it.
Today, however, though it is still RAINING and GRAY, it is warm. Unseasonably so at 63 degrees. Everyone has come out of hibernation and is outside doing something or going somewhere.
FYI: Today is NOT the day to take a spontaneous trip to Walmart. Everybody, and I do mean EVERYBODY, is there. Of course, that may also have something to do with tomorrow's weather forecast of rapidly falling temperatures and the rain turning to snow. Gotta get toilet paper and milk, you know, in case we're stranded and have to resort to least we can wash it down with a cold glass of milk and 'take care of business' like civilized people.
My trip to Wally World was not spontaneous. Our grandson is staying with us this weekend while his mommy and daddy enjoy a weekend away. I had to get diapers, wipes, bowls with suction cup bottoms, wavy toddler utensils so he can practice feeding himself (Momma doesn't like the mess so she hasn't let him do too much of that), sippy cups that don't spill, and anything and everything I saw that looked like he might eat it. I could have gone tomorrow morning in between bus runs, but...bad weather, remember?
Anyway, I'm not really sure how much, if any, posting will get done between now and Monday so I wanted to pop in and say "DON'T PULL THE PLUG!" I'm alive and well. To prove it, I'm joining in with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday.
This week I am thankful...
* for this little respite from winter weather. It's not much, but it goes a long way toward reviving the soul. Winter is beginning to show cracks now and then and though it's not done with us yet, God is kind enough to remind us of what's soon coming with little sneak peeks.
* that I haven't ended up stranded up on the ridge because my crappy old bus died. It's actually one of the newer ones in the fleet until the new ones arrive this summer, but it and most of the others bought at the same time are having all kinds of problems. Mine was in the shop in January for a major fix and it looks like it may be having the same problem again. PLUS, the ignition doesn't want to work. At least not right away. I have to turn the key and crank it repeatedly for a couple of minutes before it finally catches and starts. It's so bad all teachers who are out on bus detail have begun to clap and cheer when it starts. I finally got the okay today to keep it running all the time until they can figure out the problem and get it fixed. So, yeah, really glad it hasn't left me sitting along the road somewhere.
* for not one, but two good books being read at this time and another bought today to read next. Reviews will be coming next week (sooner if I'm able to find the time).
* my Bible study group finally got to meet! It was the first time in a month due to weather (we meet at our teacher's home waaaaaay out in the boonies) and our teacher being away. It was so good to get together with everyone and catch up in person. Even our teacher's snooty cat was glad to see us all.
* for my new parallel Bible. I love being able to open it and have the NIV, KJV, NASB, and the Amplified texts side by side for comparison.
* my husband has made some progress on the bathroom re-do. Not as much as I'd like, but it is more substantial forward progress than I've seen in the last year, so I'll gladly take it!
* for the rain washing away all the nasty salt. Now, if only I could catch the car wash when the line isn't an hour long and get the salt off my car.
* for continued good health. Even though the flu and multiple types of nasty intestinal bugs are all around us, we have managed to avoid being hit. I am sure hoping it stays that way.
* for encouraging reports about our brother-in-law, who is currently deployed in Afghanistan. He is in the hospital over there with pancreatitis. They have him on pain meds while they try to get him straightened out so he is feeling a bit better. They are thinking his cholesterol medicine caused it.
* that it is Thursday. Only one more day to go to get to a 3-day weekend. Woohoo!
* as always, for each one of you!
Love & Blessings
Glad to see you're still alive & kicking :)
ReplyDeleteYour parallel bible has FOUR versions? That's awesome. I have a NIV/Message version that I really enjoy.
Your poor brother in law - I cant imagine that being in a foreign country. I heard that is so painful. Praying for him.
I LOOOOVE my parallel bible! Though, I do think they exaggerate a bit when they call 8-point print comfortable. I'm going to have to invest in one of those full page magnifiers.
DeleteGood news on the brother-in-law front. He was sitting up and eating semi-liquidy things earlier and they've had him walking up the hallway since then. He may be released tomorrow!
What a melee! ... but I'm grateful to hear you're still paddling furiously beneath the surface. Those engine issues with the bus would be frightening, I think. Surely, you're in constantly communication with dispatch?
ReplyDeletePrayers for your BIL!
LOL....that's me! I'm like Dorie from Finding Nemo, I just keep swimming.
DeleteThe bus stuff isn't scary, just hugely annoying. Yes, we have radios in the buses and I always have my cell (though not everywhere in the ridges has signal for either one) and someone always comes along and offers to call for help if I'm pulled over. It's just that my route is really far out there at the outer limits of the district. It takes the mechanics a long time to get to me.
Thanks for the prayers. He is doing so well today that he may be released tomorrow!
I well remember those gray days that seemed to never end when I lived in Ohio. So glad to be done with them!! Enjoy that little one!!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember it being this bad when I was growing up. I read somewhere that it isn't all in my head. This area has more overcast/wet days than Seattle these days.
DeleteI am really looking forward to having Colton all to myself.