October 15, 2017

The 20 Crush Questions

It's time for a little Sunday Stealing. Thanks to our hostess, Bev, for finding us great questions each week.

Of this week's questions, Bev writes: This set of questions is called "Questions to ask Your Crush" but it seems like a regular old set of questions to me!

1. What do you find hilarious, but most people don’t find funny?  The truly awful "reality" shows like Alaskan Bush People and Mountain Monsters.

2. What was the best year of your life so far?  There are just too many in the running to choose one...1984 was a great year. I was living the life in college and having a blast and I also ended up marrying my husband before the year was over.  I guess I'll go with that one.

3. What’s your favorite thing to do on the Internet?  Play games and catch up with everyone on Facebook.

4. What fad have you held on to even tho it isn’t popular any more? CDs. I am still refusing to grow my music collection digitally.

Today's kids will never know the joy.

5. What do you spend most of your time doing?
  Working, reading, playing around on Facebook.

6. What do you spend way too much money on?  Books.

7. What event, large or small, has changed the course of your life most?  Accepting Jesus as my Savior, followed by getting married.

8. Who do you have a hard time taking seriously? Pretty much all entertainers and a good 99% of politicians.

9. What do you judge people for most often?  I really do try not to judge anyone, but I do evaluate character to see if a person is someone I should allow in my life.

10. What was the most beautiful view you have ever experienced?

I'm going to have to go with the scenery of New Mexico. I think the desert is beautiful!

11. What is something you read or heard that has stuck with you for a long time?

12. What’s your favorite thing to shop for.  Why?  Christmas gifts for the grandkids, because it's just so much fun to find just the right thing that is going to light up their eyes and make them smile with wonder.

13. What’s the best compliment someone can receive?
When someone can see a difference in me and wants to know what's behind it.

14. What’s som
ething people go on and on about and you just can’t stand sitting through?  People I don't know. Some people just go on and on about people they know like you know them, too. My grandfather was a good one for talking about people who lived near him and thinking I should know them....when I hadn't lived there in years and was only 7 when we moved away.

15. What’s something you can do that most people can’t?  I have no idea. I don't think I have any particularly rare talents.

16. When was the last time you tried to look cool and ended in embarrassment?  Again, no idea.

17. What is the most ridiculous rule you have to follow?
  Probably the one the head mechanic created about no one being allowed to start a bus before a certain time...because he doesn't want the garage door opened more than once or for too long because he gets cold. The truth is he is not very nice and is just a wee bit of a control freak. (He once labeled me as "defiant" because I kept parking in a spot he had never told me not to park in. I was supposed to have listened in/overheard when he was chewing someone else out.)

 18. What country do you not know the location of, even though you should? Kyrgyzstan

19. What do you have a hard time with but most people find quite easy?  Knitting. I just can't.

20. What’s the most impressive skill you have?  Isn't this kind of the same thing as #15?  My most impressive skill....has to be not running my bus into the idiots who run the red lights. It's happening more and more and it really ticks me off.  Other than that it might be my winter driving skills. I don't like it, but I am pretty good at it.


  1. perfect rotten card card! and I had to laugh at the "socks"

  2. Ahhhhhahahagahaha!!! I want 6 pair of those socks for Christmas gifts! 😘 I loved all of your answers!! You inspire me!

    1. Aw...shucks, ma'am.
      I'll get right on knitting those socks!

  3. I wish we could sit together with Zippi to knit. :)

    1. I would love to sit with you and Zippi, but you two can knit. I'll drink tea and eat cookies and enjoy the conversation.

  4. 19 is a scream! And 20. I can't believe the "Stupid" that washes over too many people in the presence of a Big Yellow Bus!
    I'd love to have been a Grandma. Your card for that is adorable!

    1. You would be amazed how little regard there is for the safety of our kids. Really gets my knickers in a twist!
      Aww...you'd be a great grandma. :)

  5. I can't knit either. I can crochet but just can't get two needles to work. We certainly did answer many of these nearly the same! Happy Sunday!

    1. I have all the stuff and a book about learning to crochet, but I haven't tried it yet.
      We usually do answer so much alike.
      Happy Sunday, to you, too!

  6. Man, I did a double-take at that picture of you and your husband. He looks EXACTLY like my husband's cousin. Identical. Is he missing a twin?

    1. Not that I know of...and he doesn't look too much like that after 33 years.


  7. I soooo agree with you (aka Rotten Cards) about leaving comments on someone's status. What part about "I don't care!" doesn't FB get?

    Those slippers!!! My mother knit beautifully; and on numerous occasions I tried - really, I did. I'm going to blame in on (my) being left-handed, but we usually wound up scrapping the whole thing and making ourselves a cocktail. LOL.

    1. I hate when I forget and "Like" a group post and then my feed blows up till I get the chance to stop the notifications.

      Ha! I have tried and tried to knit. My mom also knits beautifully and prolifically. She cranks out chemo caps, prayer shawls, lap robes, and baby afghans by the hundreds to donate to different groups through her knitting club. Me? I've had what amounted to remedial knitting lessons and I just can't make it work. Sigh.

  8. More books!!!! Books help make the world a better place.

  9. Your wedding picture is so CUTE!

    Thank you for the thoughtful comment on my blog. I miss the days when one's relationship with Christ was a private matter, and we honored Him with our behavior. I don't trust the sincerity of politicians with their chest thumping and pious proclamations. For example, I personally believe Christ would prefer I say, "Happy Holidays" but treat my fellow man with decency and respect.

    1. Aw, thank you.

      I hate that everything is so darn complicated now, but 2 Timothy does warn that the world will get worse and worse until Christ comes back. I think we are getting a good dose of that these days. :(

  10. Used book stores have always been a favorite place for hubby and me and even our oldest daughter. However, now that I have a Kindle I seldom ever buy a real book. Storage is so much easier with Kindle books. lol


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