April 12, 2019

A Current April Challenge

It's my day off...and it's warm and sunny (at least until later on)! That never happens. I have tons to do....laundry, cleaning, shopping for Easter dinner, putting Easter baskets together, picking up a gift card for our son-in-law as we are taking him out to dinner tonight to celebrate his birthday yesterday, bathing the dog, and dropping some things off at Goodwill.

So, of course, I'm sitting here reading emails, blog posts, Facebook updates, and writing a blog post. Story of my life. Ha! I did do one productive thing while I've been messing around out here in cyber space. I paid the balance on our cruise. Only 104 days to go!

I'm also watching GMA, or rather listening to it. They have members from the casts of all the Disney musicals on and they are singing an incredible mash up of all the hit songs. It's really good!

Okay, time to blog and then get on with life.

What Is A "Perfect" Day:  It would begin with waking up after an uninterrupted night of sleep so that I'd actually feel rested and ready to go. Beyond that, I'm pretty open to options. It would involve sharing the day with my family, for sure, since nearly all of my "perfect" days up to this point have included them. 

It would also involve not being at home because if I'm at home I'll be answering the call of all the chores that need doing or doing all the cooking to feed whoever is here. Tim and I have had the best times just getting up and jumping in the car with no plan in mind...just going and seeing what catches our eye as we go.


Reading... The Theft of America's Soul by Phil Robertson. I just finished Us Against You by Fredrik Backman. Both are excellent.

Listening to... not really listening but Kelly and Ryan's opening chat is on the TV.

Loving... the longer days and the way they energize me in the evenings.

Thinking... about what to have for Easter dinner.

Feeling... good, but tired due to not sleeping well lately.

Celebrating... our son-in-law's birthday later today.

Grateful for... a stack of good books waiting for me.

Weather... sunny and in the 70s, but a cold front and rain are coming later this afternoon. It will cool us off a bit for tomorrow, but then temps will rebound on Sunday.

Enjoying... the sound of the birds singing in the mornings.

A quote to share... "I don't want you to take me places, I want you to back me up so I can get there myself."  Ana, Us Against You


  1. I gotta go find that Disney mash up :)
    Enjoy that birthday celebration - CAKE!!!

  2. I love the idea that you and your husband just jump in the car and "go where the road takes you"! So fun. I am going to try and adopt that idea too! We are always making plans - why not let them go for a day?There is some sunshine here this morning but I do know the rain will be stoipping in again here too. Enjoy the sun and your day off! ♥

  3. A full night's sleep. Yes!! Spontaneous day trips are just the best!! I enjoyed your post, Stacy!! Hope you got everything done!

  4. It is difficult not to get "lost" online sometimes. Twitter and Pinterest tend to suck me in. Good post.


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