April 30, 2019

10 On Tuesday & The End of a Challenge

Good morning, y'all! Or I guess since I'm not that far from Pittsburgh, I should say "yinz." Somehow, y'all sounds a lot more welcoming and friendly to me and I lived in the south for 2 years a long, long time ago....so that should count for something! Ha!

It's my day off and I'm going to be babysitting Colton this morning while his mommy and daddy go to the dentist. I might have him this afternoon while Mommy has another sonogram, but maybe not, as she can't decide if she wants to take him along to see the baby.

Anyway, the point is that I'd better get my list of 10 done while I can. I'm throwing in the final two entries of the April Challenge as a bonus. 

10 On Tuesday

1. I need to start wearing my Vionic's flip-flops today so I can get used to them. They are supposed to realign you from the feet up...feet, ankles, knees, hips, back...and the company suggest wearing them only for a few hours a day at first and building up to all-day wear.

2. It's going to be 80 tomorrow. Sandal weather will be here to stay before I know it. I need a pedicure. Soon.

3. This is day 2 of a muscle knot right where my left shoulder and neck meet. I hate that sore, achy feeling. Ibuprofen and hot showers didn't work. Might have to try the heating pad today.

4. The silly, fluffy book I'm reading (mentioned yesterday) is actually pretty funny. I like when a book makes me laugh out loud.

5. I have a feeling things are going to be changing in the dementia unit. 

The woman in charge of developing the program has a real heart for those with dementia, but according to how the program was set up, residents are to be in the unit only as long as they are able to participate in the group activities. Also by how the unit was set up, when they cease to participate or refuse to, they are to be moved out to regular nursing care to make room for others who will participate. This woman doesn't like to let them go so we now have a unit filled with residents who mostly don't or can't participate. We were able to get some results by working hands-on with the residents. 

Enter my other boss, the one in charge of the activity staff. She has become more involved in the dementia unit following a reduction of the other woman's responsibilities. She was very upset to find that we were walking with residents and moving the limbs of those who can't move themselves....seems we need to be CNA's with physical therapy training to do that. 

What it all means is that our hands are now pretty much tied because of the type of resident we have. Hands-on is the only way we can do the activities. Now the dementia coordinator is out because her husband had a heart attack this past weekend. No one knows when she will be back. 

Anyway....I think big changes are coming and we are all nervous about what they will mean for us and if we are going to hate them because they will prevent us from doing all we can for the residents. I suspect it will be the latter because everyone who works there is there because they really love those residents.

6. I'm really hungry this morning. It might be a big breakfast kind of day.

7. Bible study tonight. I'm going to have to call my teacher. It's been so long since we've had a regular class I don't have a clue where I'm supposed to be at in our studies.

8. Our contract expires at work today. Starting tomorrow we'll be working without. I'm not a huge fan of unions and this isn't doing anything to change that. We, the ones being represented, are in the dark. We have no idea what they are negotiating on our behalf. We have no idea when there will be a meeting to tell us and ask for our vote. I have real issues with an organization that isn't transparent with those it represents.

9. I'm wondering how the measles/vaccination debate is going to end. I know many who refuse to vaccinate. I get their concerns. It's good to be educated about the risks of stuff you give your kids, but it's also important to consider how high the risk is of the drug vs. the disease it's preventing. One non-vaccinating friend says of measles, "I had measles. I didn't die." No, and that's a good thing, but some people do. Probably more than there are people who have complications from vaccines. Our generation has no idea what an unchecked epidemic can do. 

10. The grass really needs mowed. Tim didn't get it done on Saturday because the tractor needed a new battery. It's been too rainy and wet since then. The monster grass (a contractor mix used to patch a bald spot that has spread and is much taller than normal grass) is up to the Poodle's chin. She's short, but still.

April Challenge

Day 29

A Happy Moment:  Coming home from work to find Megan and Colton already here and Colton's excitement that I'm finally there. There's nothing better than his big smile, excited calls of "Nanny!", and him running to me with arms thrown wide to be scooped up in a big hug.

Day 30

Your Preferred Method Of Communication: At one time, it was letters. Hand-written letters. I loved writing them and I loved getting them. Nobody does that these days. So, I have adapted. Somewhat. I do text and message, but if I need to communicate with you I'd much rather talk to you on the phone. Please answer.


  1. Enjoy that day off!!!
    I still need to HEAR what the word Yinz sounds like... I still dont know what that means. haha!!!
    I wish it would STAY sandal weather here. It was FREEEEEZING this weekend - but back to the 80's today

    1. Yinz sounds exactly the way it's spelled. It's a mutation of "you ones." I don't know why, because who says THAT? It's the Pittsburgh version of y'all. I agree, it's time for sandal weather to come and STAY.

  2. Yay to sandals and pedicures!! Pedicures make everything better!!! Good luck at work - I hope the changes make things better for you employees and also for the residents! Times are changing everywhere I guess....Annster's Domain

    1. Changing, indeed, and not always for the better of anyone but those at the top. I think that's what has us all worried. Yes, a pedicure does make a lot of things better. I love the pampering!

  3. I have heard Yinz pronounced, just like it is spelled! LOL How great to have that little guy smile and say your name! Keep us posted about the changes in your unit. Nerve wracking I'm sure.

    1. That's exactly how it's pronounced, Terri. I hate the 'burgh accent...I always think it makes the speaker sound kinda dumb, but you really don't hear a true Yinzer accent any more. Too much blending of people, I guess.

  4. It's still chilly in the mornings (30-something degrees) so I haven't quite broken out the sandals, but I'm in ballet flats. I can't wait to show off my pedicure!

    1. I'm having a slightly different problem...I've broken out the sandals, but haven't gotten to the pedicure yet. Winter feet...not good. Ha!

  5. Ugh on the changes at the workplace. Wouldn't it be nice if the generals were to actually LISTEN to their? Funny, I'll do almost anything to avoid talking on the phone. Face-to-face or text, please.

    PS - I've never heard of 'Yinz' but prefer y'all myself. :)

    1. It would, indeed, be nice if the generals ever listened to the privates, but I won't be holding my breath.

      Yinz is the Pittsburgh version of y'all. It is supposed to be a contraction of "you ones." Who says that? Anyway, you still hear it used in a pretty wide area around Pittsburgh, but a true Yinzer accent is getting to be rare. I'll have to do a post on that some day. I have a little book about all the weirdly mangled words you'll hear in Pittsburgh. I remember learning in college, I think, that (at the time) there were only 6 distinct dialects in the U.S. and Pittsburgh had one of them. I know when I travel I always recognize someone from southwestern PA by the accent.


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