June 3, 2018

Sunday Stealing: Do You Believe?

Bev says she snuck in a few questions from the Friday 5 this week. No need to sneak since we are a bunch of "thieves," right?

Click to visit the Sunday
Stealing Site!
1. Is there a smell that will immediately sicken you?  Remember minute steaks? Those paper thin sheets of meat that were big for making sandwiches a couple of decades ago? They were the last meal I had before a stomach virus hit me and hit me hard back in my teens. They weren't the cause of the virus, but I can't smell them now without turning green.

2. When you want quiet, where do you go?  Most of the time I don't have to go anywhere. There's just the two of us at home and my husband is only here for a bit in the evenings and on Sundays for the most part. If I really want quiet when he's here I can go into "my" room where my books, crafts, and such are.

3. Do you need/prefer total darkness when you sleep? I would prefer it, but the fan that always runs has a nightlight that can't be turned off, the alarm clock gives off light, and the modem is the worst with its flashing lights....all of those are located in our room.

4. What is your least favorite taste? Hmm...so many possibilities, but I'd have to go with anything bitter. I can't think of anything I like that's bitter.

5. How heavily do you rely upon your sense of touch?  Rely on it? Probably not all that much. I like how some things feel, but I can't say I rely on it very often.

6. Do you mostly prepare your meals at home or do you eat out more? During the summer and holidays I cook at home often. During the school year when I'm working, I tend to get a little lazy about cooking and we get take-out a good bit.

7. Is there a time of day when you are more likely to buy food already prepared?  Yes, on my way home at the end of the day and I don't have a clue what to make for dinner, so I don't.

8. What is your average weekly grocery bill (for how many people)?  Probably about $75 for the two of us. What is your total restaurant/fast food bill for an average week?  Probably more than I know because my husband gets lunch each day and makes convenience store stops a couple of times a day.

9. What is your favorite meal to prepare at home?  Probably spaghetti because it's easy and fast and most everyone likes it.

10. What is your favorite meal to order in a restaurant? I have three favorites...shrimp scampi, a good t-bone, and good authentic ravioli (I love mushroom filled ones).

11. Do you believe in fate? Not as a random force of the universe, but I believe God has a plan for my life (and everyone's) if we are receptive.

12. If Karma was to visit you now, would it be kind or kick you in the butt?  I don't believe in Karma, either, but if I did I'd think that it would be fairly kind to me. I don't think I have any big bad things hulking in my past that I need to be paid back for.

13. Do you believe you have lived another life previous to this one?  No ma'am.

14. What do you believe in with an unshakable resolve?  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; that Jesus Christ will one day return; that I will go to heaven.

15. What one factor influences your life the most?  Well, if you haven't guessed it by now...my faith.


  1. #8 was tough for me to answer because I do all of my shopping together and have no idea what "just food" costs without paper and other household products added in.

    1. Mine is a rough estimate because I do a bigger grocery run every 2 weeks or so and like you, at least part of it is combined with other stuff at Walmart. Plus there are the little trips for a needed ingredient or something we've run out of through the week.

  2. #7 sounds like a great solution to long days at a tiring job. Your answers were, as they always are, thoughtful and interesting. I also think Christ would be unhappy with the way things turned out. Just sayin’...

    1. I'm sure he isn't happy with the mess we've made of religion. Religion is totally man's creation with all it's rules and traditions.

    2. It sure is. It's a "way to make money" which, since you spent quite a bit of time on the Navajo Nation, you will recognize as their definition of evil. Yes? *as she runs, screaming, to the hills!*

  3. Looks like neither of us is fond of the multiple lights on in the bedroom.

    1. And I forgot the little blinky light on my phone while it's charging.

  4. When I was a kid, once Christmas my mother made kind of a Waldorf salad for dinner. I was coming down with the flu and ended up being violently ill. It was literally DECADES before I could look at Waldorf salad again.

    1. Nothing like throwing up to ruin a good food for forever.

  5. I feel bad for anyone who has no faith in God. Not sure how they get by every day. I enjoyed your answers! Interesting questions today.

    1. Thanks, Terri. I know the world would be a scary place for me if I didn't have faith.

  6. love your answers, I enjoy reading my bible out on my front porch, while listening to the birds chirp, the hummingbirds feeding it is so peaceful!
    Thank you for stopping by

    1. It is. I love when I can be outside...closer to God in nature. And my grandmother, too. So many good memories of mornings on her porch with her.

  7. When I was 12 my parents took me on a brewery tour - where the overwhelming smell of hops promptly 'turned' my last meal. Consequently, I've never been able to abide the idea of beer.
    My answers to #'s 2 and 5 would have been identical to yours. Especially, I enjoyed your #'s 14 and 15 … and ditto what Terri said.

    1. I will agree that the yeasty smell of hops is NASTY! We have a brewery here, though I think these days they just bottle Sam Adams. When I was growing up it was where Rolling Rock Beer was made and it stunk up the entire town on certain days.

  8. If Karma was to visit you now, would it be kind or kick you in the butt?
    Actually, it would bite me. How did you know our neighbour's dog is called Karma?

    I really love your answers to Questions 14 and 15.

    God bless.

    1. Ha! That's a good one. I think I'll name my next dog Karma.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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