March 29, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Easter Thanks

I've missed a couple of Thankful Thursdays lately, but there is no way I could skip it during this holiest of weeks for those who believe in Christ Jesus.  Join with me today as I link up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand to "count my many blessings."

This week I am thankful....

* above all else, that Jesus was obedient to the Father's plan to save His people from death and an eternity separated from Him. That though He, Himself was without sin, He willingly took on all the sin of the world...He took on my sin...and became the perfect, final atoning sacrifice once and for all time.

* that the Lord never gave up on me. He loved me and pursued me until my heart finally opened to Him.

* for the Random Journal Day Reunion taking place over on my friend's blog, Enthusiastically, Dawn.  I've been reading some great posts by the others who have linked up and it has been a blessing.  You can see my post here.

* for the bit of insight one of those reunion goers shared concerning Jesus's night in the garden. One line of scripture that I have somehow never taken notice of in Luke's account of that final night. In Luke 22:42, we find Jesus praying to the Father.  He asks, if it is possible, that "this cup" be taken from Him (He was afraid of what was coming), but even afraid to the point of sweating blood, he says "not My will, but Yours be done."  He was willing to be obedient no matter what. 

It's the next verse that I've not noticed before. Luke 22:43 says, "And there appeared to Him an angel from heaven, strengthening Him."  God heard His Son's cries and sent an angel to comfort him!  That blows me away.  I don't want to tell you all about Pamela's post.  If you'd like to read it, go here.

* that we had a 2-hour early dismissal today and now I have 4 glorious days off.

* that the final package of parts for the big wooden playset Tim is building for the grandkids came today. (Bless Amazon and their 2-day delivery.)  We hope to have it done (except for the slide, which NO ONE has in stock...not even online) and let them see it on Easter.  It's looking doubtful that they will get to play on it, however.  We are expecting BUCKETS of rain tonight on top of the rain we've had over the last 3 days.  Everything is already a swampy mess, this should put us in build-an-ark territory. Now I hear it's supposed to SNOW on Sunday. Oh well, it'll be done and ready for them whenever they are here.

* for the 2 days of sunshine we had before the rain started.  We don't see many sunny days in the winter here and it sure was a boost to the spirits.

* for Chinese takeout for dinner tonight!

* for all of you.

Have a blessed and happy Easter!


  1. "And there appeared to him an angel...." What an immeasurable comfort! This Holy Week I'm humbled at every turn. It's good to be back and see like-minded friends' reflections.

    That Casting Crowns video is wonderful!

    1. Welcome back! Are you all settled in to your new place? Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it.

  2. Amen!!! I love the remembrance of Holy week!!!


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